This library is a type-based API client for Manga109.
Manga109 is a dataset of manga (Japanese comics) for academic research.
An API client already exists (here) for the dataset, but the dictionary-based data structures require users to have a detailed understanding of the dataset (key names, value types, etc.).
This library makes active use of dataclass
, introduced in Python 3.7 (there is also a backport for earlier versions), to allow users to access any data while benefiting from completions and type hints.
Show data structures as YAML.
- book:
title: str
- character:
id: str
name: str
- page:
index: int
width: int
height: int
- body:
id: str
xmin: int
ymin: int
xmax: int
ymax: int
character: str
- face:
id: str
xmin: int
ymin: int
xmax: int
ymax: int
character: str
- frame:
id: str
xmin: int
ymin: int
xmax: int
ymax: int
- text:
id: str
xmin: int
ymin: int
xmax: int
ymax: int
text: str
image_path: str
from manga109 import Manga109
client = Manga109("path/to/manga109")
# You can use specific titles.
client = Manga109("path/to/manga109", titles=["ARMS", "GakuenNoise", "PrayerHaNemurenai"])
print(client.books[0].title) # ARMS
print(client.books[0].characters[14].name) # タイロン
print(client.books[0].pages[80].texts[5].text) # 返事して
print(client.books[0].pages[17].image_path) # path/to/manga109/images/ARMS/017.jpg
print([{b.title: len(b.characters)} for b in client.books])
# [{'ARMS': 23}, {'AisazuNihaIrarenai': 17}, {'AkkeraKanjinchou': 16}, ...]
print([[t.text for t in p.texts] for p in client.books[0].pages if p.texts])
# [['あ'], ['キャーッ', 'はやく逃げないとまきぞえくっちゃう', ...], ...]
Python 3.7+
pip install git+