Wellcome to the virtual Tactical Leadership Program pages hosted by the spanish squadron GV5JS. Virtual TLP offers to the participants the oportunity to fly combat training missions in DCSW. The exercise provides an scenario where the virtual pilot is exposed to the complexities of planning, briefing and executing a composite attack force mission COMAO.
The main objective is to mimic the real TLP that takes place in Albacete, Spain, to the extend that it is possible inside a simulation. In short, the vTLP aims for training and development of knowledge and leadership skills, necessary to conduct a multirol air tactical mission.
The programme has been hosted by the GV5Js since 2018 using Falcon BMS. After three successful editions, the vTLP staff has decided to also offer the course in DCSW. In this simulator headquarters are based at Nellis AFB, and missions will be conducted in the Nevada Test and Training Range (NTTR).
Blue forces will execute different specific missions, such as air interdiction, OCA strikes, dynamic targeting, defensive counter air, among others. Targets are defended by a variety of Red force ground and air threats to give participant aircrews a challenging combat training mission.
The Red force threats includes other human virtual fighter pilots flying as agressors that try to replicate the tactics and techniques of potential adversaries to Blue forces.
Each flight takes place every two weeks. A normal course can have 3 or 4 students so, the duration of the course is around 8 working weeks. Normally, due to holidays the course extend for a three month period.
The target audience are simmers with enough experience on the chosen platform to fly the course. Allowable DCSW platforms include F16, F18, F14 and Mirage 2000C.
Additionally, a limited number of slots for support personnel are also available including GCI and ATC
The optimum composition of a COMAO course is as follows:
- 10-12 A-G
- 6-8 A-A
- 2-4 SEAD
- 1 ATC
- 1 GCI
- COMAO Concept and Doctrine
- Mission commander duties
- COMAO Mission Planning (The four Ts)
- Precision Guided Munitions Attack Planning
- Collateral Damage
- Close Air Support
- Strike Coordination and Armed Reconnaissance
- Dynamic Targeting
- Supression of Enemy Air Defence
- Force Protection
- Current operations Briefings
- COMAO Demonstration
- COMAO Planning Exercise 1
- COMAO Planning Exercise 2
- COMAO Planning Exercise 3
- COMAO Planning Exercise 4