a Dockerfile with a simple html file which checks the weather in your Region by providing all the details on the web page. Region could be changed.
- clone the repo to the local
- from the local directory with the Dockerfile, build the image: docker build -t <image_name:tag> .
- check that the image exists: docker images
- run the container using the image which was created (in interractive mode and as a daemon): docker run -it -d <image_name:tag> Port could be changed in case the default 80 is occupied (port 9095 used as an example): docker run -it -d -p 9095:80 <image_name:tag>
- check that the container exists and up and running: docker ps
- open the browser, put down the local IP and the port in case it was specified during 'docker run'. Your Region weather info should be visible:
The Region could be changed using the 'Enter your Location' field: