The Landscape Demo is a simple tech demo created by FR3NKD with help from kri_game_dev and consequently published by Overfort Games. This project aims to showcase the capabilities of the Godot Terrain3D Plug-in, demonstrating what can be achieved with minimal resources. It serves as an example of how powerful and versatile the Terrain3D plug-in can be in creating landscapes.
- Godot Terrain3D Plug-in Showcase: Demonstrates the basic functionalities and potential of the Terrain3D plug-in.
- Simple voumetric clouds: Created using using 3D noise density textures
- Simple water: Stolen from Godot shader website
- Simple Fly Camera: Navigate the landscape freely using the fly camera.
This project is released under the CC0 1.0 Universal license.
- kri_game_dev: For assisting with the development of the fly camera and testing the performacne.
- TokisanGames: For making the Terrain3D plug-in
Thank you for exploring the Landscape Demo. We hope it provides insight into what you can achieve with the Godot Terrain3D Plug-in!