On the course IOS we hand in an assignment each week, which reflects what we've been working on.
This week we worked with tab bar apps. But our mandatory assignment was to make an app which related to the current corona virus. So i practised using URLSession to get data from the api.covid19api.com and present with options such as country selection and province selection
This week we worked with the different sensors in our devices. I made an app which uses CoreMotion to zoom in or out on the map and motionEnded for handling a shake gesture to center the view on the users current location
No code this week! We handed in a document where we each had to describe closures and the difference between weak and strong variables.
No school this week, because of Good Friday holiday
This week we made a simple app which should display something which couldn't be seen prior to signing in. We used the functionality from firebase authentication to manage users. Then we had to expand the app to be able to log in via facebook. Later we had to use the facebook graph to access user data
An app which can capture pictures and videos from the camera or photo library. It can resize the picture, and add text on top of it. I also added a swipe gesture recognizer so if you swipe right, the photo is saved, and if you swipe left it will dissappear
An app with a map where you can long press on the map to set a pin and save the location in firebase. It also shows the userlocation after having requested permission to use location services on the device
We had to make a tableview with two custom cells. One should contain a label and an imageview, and the other should only contain a label
We had to expand out current notebook app with an imageview and an button where you can upload pictures from the phone to the app, which then would store the picture in Google Storage and the reference for the picture in Google Firebase
This week we had to expand our notebook app to be able to work with Googles firebase database
This week we had to make a new notebook app, so i made on with a tableviewcontroller which displays the notes title. The tableview controller has a segue to a view controller which shows the notes fully
An app with one viewcontroller containing a textview, a tableview and some buttons. The app can save the input from the textview on the phone, and you can then see them in the textview. You can then add and delete notes with the buttons
This was the first app we made on this course. It is a single-view app with three pages with product and company information for the company Tulip It was made with the storyboard interface
Upload the files from the exercises to this github repo