Bug Fixes:
- Fix issue that baseDirectory was not used for getting resources (a85bf8d)
- Update all http to https URLs in pom.xml (e349e1d)
- Add maven-enforcer-plugin (e0ffb68)
- Manage version of maven plugins in pluginManagement (e764620)
- Fix some formatting issues in CHANGELOG.md file (450357)
Dependency updates:
- Bump awssdk [2.15.2 -> 2.15.77] (3ac3e3b)
- Bump mockito [3.5.13 -> 3.7.7] (d5fab20)
- Bump wagon-provider-api [3.4.0 -> 3.4.2] (8e2255c)
- Bump maven-surefire-plugin [2.16 -> 3.0.0-M5] (8e2255c)
- Bump maven-resources-plugin [2.6 -> 3.1.0] (8e2255c)
- Bump maven-deploy-plugin [2.8.1 -> 3.0.0-M1] (8e2255c)
- Bump maven-compiler-plugin [3.1 -> 3.8.1] (8e2255c)