In order to supply a truly secure layer of your validator node, we're offering more decentralization!
The solution that we provide is called Secret Share Validator, and it's split into 2 sections
From a validator perspective, getting penalties (e.g., for inactivity) or worse - getting permanently slashed - must be avoided at all costs.
The solution that we provide is to break the validator private keys into (N) shares using
Shamir Secret Share, out of those shares we create for each share
private & public key using
BLS Signature. When registering a validator, the user must select the amount of shares,
and the specific operators on which the shares will run. Each share is encrypted with its respective operator key.
After the operators receive the shares they start to collaborate in order to aggregate signatures to reach the full validator signature.
Our solution prevents the single point of failure issue which poses a major risk when depending on a single node.
The term "Operator" is our invention for people who don't want to put a collateral of 32 ETH but still want to participate in blockchain and receive rewards.
All you need to do is to run the operator node using SSV-NODE take the public key from it and register as operator.
Another option we support is a CLI, all you need to do is to run the following command with the relevant arguments, and you receive a full translation data
yarn link
ssv-cli --filePath=<keyStore> --password=<ketStore password> --operators=[<base64 operator key>] (4 operators require)
yarn test
- no watching mode
yarn test:dev
- run tests in watch mode
Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
See the section about running tests for more information.
unzip cypress/plugins/MetaMask/
unzip cypress/integration/ssv/cli/
For the virtualenv users, you can create a new venv:
cd cypress/integration/ssv/cli/eth2.0-deposit-cli-master
pip3 install virtualenv
virtualenv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
and install the dependencies:
python3 install
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
pip3 install pytest
Check that tests are passing before starting using deposit CLI for auto-generation of keystore files during running cypress:
cd cypress/integration/ssv/cli/eth2.0-deposit-cli-master
source .venv/bin/activate
python3 -m pytest .
yarn build
Builds the app for production to the build
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.
The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.
Your app is ready to be deployed!
See the section about deployment for more information.
yarn lint
Lint checks works on every change of source code.
Also, lint happens before developer tries to commit (husky package).
As said upper, on every commit attempt husky runs linter to check source code.
- Web3.js - BlockChain integration for Web2
- Onboard - Integration tool to wallets
- React 16.8 - To handle front end tasks in scale
- React Router - For application navigation and routing
- Mobx - A UI state management and middleware to handle async operations
- Material UI - A React library to make styling more dynamic and easy
- TypeScript and ESlint - For better development experience, linting errors, type checking, auto complete and more
- Jest JS and React Test Renderer - Testing tools for React applications
See our docs and guides here
GPLv3 © Blox SSV