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Scripts used for bootstrapping and deploying services for and its subdomains


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Scripts used for bootstrapping and deploying services for and its subdomains.

This was created to provide a dotfiles-like setup that documents my personal server setup.

Getting Started

To get a local server running, we have created a Vagrant setup.

If you don't have Vagrant installed, then please follow the instructions at

Once Vagrant is installed, follow the steps below:

# Clone our repository
git clone

# Start up a Vagrant instance
vagrant up

# SSH into the machine and poke around
vagrant ssh


As a high level overview of our setup, we use the following:


  • Digital Ocean for hosting our servers and DNS management
  • Google Apps for email management
  • Supervisor for process management
  • Metrics
    • Currently, we only have Digital Ocean for metrics
  • Monitoring


  • Provisioning is currently done by Chef
    • This is to maximize reuse of common setup
    • For ease of approach to new developers, we typically prefer bash
  • Secrets are managed via SOPS
  • Services are currently all Node.js/JavaScript based
  • Tests are done via Serverspec
    • These are both meant to cover sanity and security

File structure

This repository has the following file structure:

  • .bundle/ - Configuration for Bundler (used for managing Ruby gems)
  • bin/ - Contains our executable files (e.g. deployment scripts)
  • data/ - Contains static files used during provisioning
    • This starts at / as if it were the root of a file system
    • For multiple environment projects, it's good to have a data/{{env}} for each setup (e.g. data/development, data/production)
  • src/ - Container for our bootstrapping scripts
  • test/ - Container for our test files
  • - CHANGELOG of what has changed during each release of this repository
  • - Documentation for this repository
  • - Documentation for security considerations in this repository
  • Vagrantfile - Configuration for Vagrant

Provisioning a new server

To provision a new server via Digital Ocean, follow the steps below:

  • If we don't have a Digital Ocean SSH key pair yet, then generate one
  • Create a new Ubuntu based droplet with our SSH key (14.04 x64)
  • Add public key to data/home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys so we can ssh into the ubuntu user
    • Digital Ocean's SSH key will initially be registered to root user but we dislike having direct SSH access into a root user
  • Once droplet has started, set up our ~/.ssh/config on the local machine
# Replace `digital-my-server` with a better name
# Replace with droplet's public IP
Host digital-my-server
    User root
  • SSH into our server and set up basic provisions
    • ssh digital-my-server
    • Create a Diffie-Hellman parameter for NGINX with HTTPS (SSL)
      # DEV: We could use `/etc/letsencrypt/ssl-dhparams.pem` for this but are opting out for easier testing
      openssl dhparam -out dhparam.pem 2048
      sudo mv dhparam.pem /etc/ssl/private/dhparam.pem
      sudo chown root:root /etc/ssl/private/dhparam.pem
      sudo chmod u=r,g=,o= /etc/ssl/private/dhparam.pem # Only user can read this file
    • Upload/import PGP privte key for SOPS, see Managing PGP data
  • Install certbot for LetsEncrypt backed domains
    • Specify each subdomain/subdomain pair individually (e.g. (1,2), (3,4)), otherwise LetsEncrypt will use the same file/certificate for all of them
  • Bootstrap our server
    • bin/ digital-my-server
  • Update ~/.ssh/config to use User ubuntu instead of User root
    • During the bootstrap process, we intentionally lock our root access via ssh for security
  • Run our tests on the server
    • bin/ digital-my-server

Managing PGP data

We use PGP and SOPS for storing our secrets. To add a new PGP key, follow the steps below:

  • Find full fingerprint of key we want to export
    • gpg --fingerprint
    • Fingerprint will be 740D DBFA... in Key fingerprint = 740D DBFA...
  • Extract private key to file
    • gpg --export-secret-keys --armor {{fingerprint}} > private.rsa
    • --armor exports a human-friendly ASCII format instead of binary
  • Upload/import private key to our server
    # Run outside of the server, can also use copy/paste if desired
    ssh my-digital-server "echo \"$(cat "path/to/file.pem")\" | gpg --import -"

Updating a server configuration

We reuse our provisioning script for managing server state. As a result, we can reuse it for updates:

bin/ digital-my-server

# If we need to use a non-master ref, then pass it as a second parameter
# bin/ digital-my-server dev/new.feature

If you'd like to run a dry run, Chef has --why-run which explains everything it's doing. It's unclear if it fully stops running actions though

This can be enabled by directly editing bin/

Deploying a service

To deploy a service, use its respective bin/deploy-*.sh script. Here's an example with

bin/ digital-my-server

# If we need to deploy a non-master ref, then pass as a second parameter
# bin/ digital-my-server dev/new.feature


As mentioned in the high level overview, we use Serverspec for testing. This is a Ruby gem so you will need it installed to run our tests:

# Install bundler to manage gems for local directory
gem install bundler

# Install dependencies for this repo
bundle install

# Run our tests

To make iterating on our test suite faster, we have set up SKIP_LINT and SKIP_PROVISION environment variables. This skips running linting and vagrant provision in our tests:

# Skip both linting and provisioning

Validating production

To run our test suite against a production machine, we can use the bin/ script.

# Before running our tests, please add the remote server to ~/.ssh/config
# For example:
# Host my-server
#     User ubuntu
#     HostName
TARGET_HOST="{{name-of-host-in-ssh-config}}" bin/


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Testing information can be found in the Testing section.


Support this project and others by twolfson via donations.


As of Dec 08 2015, Todd Wolfson has released this repository and its contents to the public domain.

It has been released under the UNLICENSE.


Scripts used for bootstrapping and deploying services for and its subdomains



Security policy





No packages published


  • Ruby 62.9%
  • Shell 37.1%