Use forc v66.2
or higher.
Build everything fromn scratch and run tests
pnpm i
pnpm abis # fetch external abis
pnpm build # build contracts
pnpm test:rs # Rust tests
pnpm types # generate types
pnpm test:ts # TypeScript tests
Sometimes one needs to enable permissions for the sh file:
chmod +x ./tools/
Off-chain order settlement contract. Can be used for RFQ and standard limit orders.
Execute complex exact input and exact output batch swaps.
- Allow for multi path, e.g. [a-b-c]; [a-c]
- Allow for multi-segment, e.g. [a-c]; [a-b-c]; [c-d]
- Allow for reverted multi segment, e.g. [a-b]; [b-c]; [b-d-c];
Swap multiple paths and path-fragments dynamically across multiple DEXs. Currenly we integrate the following DEXs:
- Mira V1 Volatile
- Mira V1 Stable
- 1delta Orders