Xandikos is a CalDAV/CardDAV server that I use for managing my contacts and calendar events. This repository contains the required configuration for using it.
First you need to have Docker installed and then run Xandikos with the provided docker-compsoe
docker compose up -d
After that it automatically creates required file structure, and you need to replace its bare repositories with your actual repositories:
cd user
cd contacts
rm -Rf .git
rm -Rf addressbook
git clone [email protected]:parham-alvani/addressbook
cd ..
cd calendars
rm -Rf .git
rm -Rf calendar
git clone [email protected]:parham-alvani/calendar
Also, you need to add the following information into your contacts/calendar git repository:
name = Parham Alvani
email = [email protected]
Xandikos automatically creates commits and with this information you will have commits with your name and email address that can be pushed on GitHub without any issues.
For putting khal
and khard
into work when they configured to use another address as their repositories,
you can use the following symbolic links:
cd /home/parham/Documents/Git/parham/parham-alvani
rm -rf addressbook
rm -rf calendar
ln -s ~/Downloads/xandikos/user/contacts/addressbook addressbook
ln -s ~/Downloads/xandikos/user/calendars/calendar calendar
macOS required TLS for its CardDav account, so we need to support HTTPS over Xandikos. The main step here is to generate the certificate using the following command:
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -sha256 -days 3650 -nodes -subj "/C=IR/ST=Tehran/L=Tehran/O=1995parham-me/OU=davx/CN=davx.infra.1995parham.me"