This project was generated with Angular CLI version 13.2.6.
Run ng serve
for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/
. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.
- I use reactive form and reactive form's validators for register form.
- The user must enter a valid email addres also the password and password rerply fields must be the same.
- Also I use routing for register page.
- After successful registration, user information will be registered in "" api.
- During the login process, the '' API will be checked. If the email or password is incorrect, a warning is given.
- If the login process is successful, the user will be automatically redirected to the products page.
- The user can search on the products page and filter the products according to the specified categories (all products, electronic products, fashion products, jewelry products).
- By clicking on the "product details" button, the user can see a more detailed description of the products and product reviews. I use routing for product detail.
- I got the product comments automatically from the 'go.res/comments' api.
- User can add products to cart from homepage or product detail page.
- With the Remove all button, you can delete the entire cart, and the payment button can make a payment.
- I recorded the payment with console.log when the payment was made.
- After payment, the entire cart is emptied.
- Products that bougth