moment that data goes into a database it is locked away behind:
- REPL + query langauge
- programming language
human readable database direct manipulation through text files (GUI as needed) "eventual validity" like "tests" for code can save invalid data script identifies invalid data format syntax errors schema errors
git + data! ... github + data!
what for: collaborative human-scale data
relational / doc-store / graph
what not for: web-scale data generated data logs, analytics, user accounts
human-db is not web-scale
spec for human readable database serialization format
database engine implementing spec - clojure - data source: - file system - file system + git repo - github api - io: protobuf
language specific client libraries to connect to database engine
REST server (?)
import/export to other databases scripts
what if databases were made mostly for humans (not computers) SQL came out of a time when: disk / memory / processing was: limited / slow / expensive
Now we have don't have those limits, but DB designers have moved on to making databases web-scale but on the UX side, we have: Microsoft Access, Excel, and CSVs
github for data (human-db) hosting gui for editing public / private forking collaborators