Welcome to DooJoe (to be named later) and DojoSurveyModule!
- To be a color by number, developer friendly, easiest to read expression of a full enteprise stack.
- To present as an example of 1 or more expressions of every problem, challenge, opportunity that exists within a full enterprise stack
- To serve a learning by doing journey for interested learners to build their own thin vertical slice of an enterprise stack
- A mono-repo project architecture all concerns are neatly tucked away that they can be easily moved, rearranged, even broke apart simply
- DDD, Clean Architecture, Onion Orthogonal, Clean Code, Separation of Concerns
- An automated testing beast with Unit Tests, Feature Tests, Integration Tests, Deployed Integration Tests, UI Unit Tests, UI E2E Tests
- Multiple Lazy Loaded WASM Modules
! Everything ! :)