This is a toy project demonstrating a simple leverage trading system
- Integrate with any crypto assets and Oracles for price feeds: Can use chainlink
- Core Algo refinement : enhance the core algorithm to closely mimic real-world leverage trading strategies through iterative refinement.
- Improve smart contracts for better security(ex: most functions in the contract are public) and gas efficiency.
- Build a front end
- Contract Name: LeverageV2.sol
- Test files:
- Unit tests: leverageV2.t.sol
- Fuzz tests: leverageV2Fuzz.t.sol
- Functionality: A simple smart contract for leveraged trading of ERC-20 tokens.
- Assumptions:
- Asset price change is fixed for simplicity.
- Users have to approve the LeverageV2 contract to spend ERC-20 tokens on their behalf for the deposit function to work.
- Users need to use a faucet function to obtain ERC-20 tokens initially for trading.
- The ERC-20 token contract should mint tokens to the LeverageV2 contract so that it can send funds to users when they earn profits.
- Description: Allows users to deposit collateral.
- Parameters:
: Amount of collateral to deposit.
- Interaction: Users need to approve the LeverageV2 contract to spend ERC-20 tokens on their behalf before calling this function.
- Description: Allows users to open a leveraged position.
- Parameters:
: Boolean indicating whether the position is long (true) or short (false).leverage
: Leverage ratio for the position.
- Interaction: Users must have previously deposited collateral using the
function. They also need to approve the LeverageV2 contract to spend ERC-20 tokens on their behalf.
- Description: Allows users to close their open position.
- Interaction: Users must have an existing open position.
- Description: Allows users to update the leverage ratio of their open position.
- Parameters:
: New leverage ratio.
- Interaction: Users must have an existing open position.
- Description: Withdraws the mentioned amount from deposited collateral
- Parameters:
that is to be withdrawn, if not mentioned, total collateral will be withdrawn.
- Description: Returns the details of the user's current position.
- Returns:
: User's collateral in the current position.leverage
: Leverage ratio of the current position.isLong
: Boolean indicating whether the position is long (true) or short (false).
- Reverts: This function call reverts if there is no open position.
- Description: Allows the owner to change the synthetic price change and direction of change for testing/demo purposes.
- Parameters:
: Boolean indicating the direction of price change (true for upward, false for downward)._syntheticPriceChange
: New synthetic price change value(without erc20 decimals.)
- Interaction: Only callable by the contract owner.