A pure go x86/x64 compatible trampoline hook for stdlib functions
Hook functions from pointers, windows api, dll & more!
go get github.com/0xffffa/gohooker
package main
import (
type MessageBoxW func(hWnd syscall.Handle, lpText, lpCaption *uint16, uType uint) int
func main() {
dll, err := syscall.LoadDLL("user32.dll")
if err != nil {
targetProc, err := dll.FindProc("MessageBoxW")
if err != nil {
targetFuncAddr := targetProc.Addr()
target := syscall.NewLazyDLL("user32.dll").NewProc("MessageBoxW")
if r, _, err := target.Call(0, wstrUPtr("Before Hook"), wstrUPtr("Before Hook"), 0); r == 0 && err != nil {
var trampHook *trampoline.TrampolineHook
trampHook = gohooker.NewHook(targetFuncAddr, func(hWnd syscall.Handle, lpText, lpCaption *uint16, uType uint) int {
fmt.Println("Hooker called man", trampHook.Trampoline)
return trampoline.WrapFunction[MessageBoxW](trampHook.Trampoline).(MessageBoxW)(hWnd, wstrPtr("Yep this the hooked body with MY function"), wstrPtr("And this is the Title"), uType)
if r, _, err := target.Call(0, wstrUPtr("MessageBoxW"), wstrUPtr("MessageBoxW"), 0); r == 0 && err != nil {
func wstrUPtr(str string) uintptr {
ptr, _ := syscall.UTF16PtrFromString(str)
return uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(ptr))
func wstrPtr(str string) *uint16 {
ptr, _ := syscall.UTF16PtrFromString(str)
return ptr