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A Vite plugin that automatically generates a unique build_id each time the project is compiled.

Developed by 0xJacky and Hintay.


pnpm i -D vite-plugin-build-id


In vite.config.ts:

import { defineConfig } from 'vite'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [vitePluginBuildId()]

This will create a version.json file in your src folder with the following structure:

  "version": "{the-verion-in-package.json}",
  "build_id": 1,
  "total_build": 1
  • version: Mirrors the version field from your package.json.
  • build_id: Starts at 1 for each new version and increments with each build.
  • total_build: Tracks the total number of builds since the plugin was first configured.

If you leave the disableBumpSameStatus option enabled (its default setting), a .status_hash file will be created in the root directory to monitor file changes within the workspace. This file helps the plugin determine whether to increment the build_id.

To prevent it from being tracked by version control, add the following entry to your .gitignore file:



If you'd like to use a CI build number as the build_id, set the buildIdEnv option. For example, in a Drone CI environment:

import { defineConfig } from 'vite'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      buildIdEnv: 'DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER',


interface Options {
   * Prepares the version file before the Vite build process
   * Default: `false`
   * Useful for special cases where the version file needs to be available before the build.
  prepare?: boolean

   * Specifies the destination folder
   * Default is `src`
  destination?: string

   * Enables inclusion of the latest git commit hash
   * Default is `false`
   * Compare git's commit hash with the last time it was generated to avoid unwanted build id bump.
  enableCommitHash?: boolean

   * Disables build ID increment when no changes are detected in the git workspace
   * Default is `true`
   * Prevents `build_id` from incrementing if the current workspace status is unchanged.
  disableBumpSameStatus?: boolean

   * Specifies the environment variable for setting the build ID
   * Default is `true`
   * Useful for integrating CI/CD build numbers as the build ID.
  buildIdEnv?: string


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