By: Team T09-1
Since: Aug 2018
Licence: MIT
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Quick Start
- 3. Features
- 3.1. Viewing help:
- 3.2. Contacts
- 3.2.1. View all contacts:
contacts list
- 3.2.2. Add contact:
contacts add
- 3.2.3. Edit contact:
contacts edit
- 3.2.4. Find contact:
contacts find
- 3.2.5. Delete contact:
contacts delete
- 3.2.6. Assign tasks to contact:
contacts assign
- 3.2.7. Unassign tasks from contact:
contacts unassign
- 3.2.8. Show tasks assigned to contact:
- 3.2.1. View all contacts:
- 3.3. Tasks
- 3.3.1. View all tasks:
tasks list
- 3.3.2. Add task:
tasks add
- 3.3.3. Edit task:
tasks edit
- 3.3.4. Search for task:
tasks find
- 3.3.5. Delete task:
tasks delete
- 3.3.6. Delete all tasks:
tasks delete all
- 3.3.7. Assign person to task:
tasks assign
- 3.3.8. Unassign person from tasks:
tasks unassign
- 3.3.9. Show full details of a task:
tasks assigned
- 3.3.10. Display
- 3.3.1. View all tasks:
- 3.4. Calendar
- 3.5. Global
- 3.1. Viewing help:
Cow is an application for those who prefer to use a desktop app for managing tasks and contacts. It is optimized for those who prefer to work with a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). If you can type fast, Cow can get your contact and task management done faster than traditional GUI apps.
Ensure you have JRE 9 or later installed.
Download the
. -
Place it in the folder where you want the data files to be stored.
Type in a command and press
to execute it. For a start, typehelp
and pressEnter
to see the help text.
Command Format
Words in
are the parameters to be supplied by the user e.g. inadd n/NAME
is a parameter which can be used asadd n/John Doe
. -
Items in square brackets are optional e.g
n/NAME [t/TAG]
can be used asn/John Doe t/friend
or asn/John Doe
. -
Items with
after them can be used multiple times including zero times e.g.[t/TAG]…
can be used as\
(i.e. 0 times),t/friend
,t/friend t/family
etc. -
Parameters can be in any order e.g. if the command specifies
is also acceptable.
Format: contacts add n/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER e/EMAIL a/ADDRESS [t/TAG]…
contacts edit INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PHONE] [e/EMAIL] [a/ADDRESS] [t/TAG]…
Format: contacts assign c/CONTACT_INDEX k/TASK_INDEX
Format: contacts unassign c/CONTACT_INDEX… (k/TASK_INDEX…|*)
If *
is provided as the argument for TASK_INDEX, unassign all tasks
from the contacts specified.
Format for entering dates is YYYYMMDD. Format for entering times is HHMM
in 24-hour time. (All commands from AB4 but prepend tasks
tasks add n/TASK_NAME [sd/START_DATE] [st/START_TIME] ed/END_DATE et/END_TIME [t/TAG]…
If start date or time is not entered, the missing field(s) will default to the current date/time.
Find tasks that based on name, start date, end date and/or tags
tasks find [n/KEYWORD]… [sd/START_DATE] [ed/END_DATE] [t/TAG]…
Searching by keyword is case insensitive. e.g
will matchHans
Only full words will be matched e.g.
will not matchHans
Providing multiple keywords or tags will return tasks that match any of the keywords or tags.
Searching based on different criteria will return tasks that match all criteria e.g. Searching on start date and end date will return tasks that match both
Format: tasks delete INDEX1 [INDEX2] [INDEX3] …
Delete all tasks corresponding to the indices provided.
Format: tasks delete all
Delete all tasks that are shown in the list.
Format: tasks unassign k/TASK_INDEX (c/CONTACT_INDEX…|*)
If *
is provided as the argument for CONTACT_INDEX, all contacts will
be unassigned.
Format: tasks assigned TASK_ID
This will display the contacts assigned to the task in the contacts pane.
Format for entering year is YYYY. Format for entering month is MM. Format for entering dates is YYYYMMDD.
Format: calendars show y/YEAR m/MONTH