Attention: this article is not applicable at now due to this bug.
We can easily setup logical replication via [publication and subscription](./replica: publication and However, it has some limitations.
- You cannot publish tables using wildcard like
- For partitioned tables, you need to use
alter publication
to add new partitions - You need to create table in replication
- You need to
refresh subscription
each time you add new table
But we can make all these automatically using trigger and event trigger.
- add event trigger for
create table
, so that we can add targeted tables to our publication. - sync DDLs to replication to create tables automatically
- add event trigger at replication side to trig
refresh subscription
Create ddl log table and publication first.
create table test_log_ddl (created_at timestamptz, cmd text, ddl text);
create publication pub_test1 for table test_log_ddl;
Create the event trigger to log DDLs and alter publication accordingly. I use the sync_%
to filter tables that to be synced, you can change this to fit your situations.
create function log_ddl() returns event_trigger as $$
r record;
raise info 'ddl: user: %', session_user || ', tag: ' || tg_tag || ', query: ' || current_query();
insert into test_log_ddl values (now(), tg_tag, current_query());
for r in select * from pg_event_trigger_ddl_commands()
where objid::regclass::text like 'sync_%' and command_tag in ('CREATE TABLE')
raise info 'ddl_command: cmd: %s, objid: %s', r.command_tag, r.objid::regclass::text;
execute format('alter publication pub_test1 add table %s', r.objid::regclass::text);
end loop;
end $$ language plpgsql;
create event trigger et_log_ddl on ddl_command_end execute procedure log_ddl();
At the replication side, we create the ddl log table and setup subscription to receive changes.
create table test_log_ddl (created_at timestamptz, cmd text, ddl text);
create subscription sub_test1
connection 'host=localhost port=5433 user=postgres dbname=db11'
publication pub_test1;
Then add row trigger to execute the synced DDLs automatically. I expected this to be work. However, it will corrupt your database due to bug.
So we cannot do this last step before the bug is fixed.
create function replay_log_ddl() returns trigger as $$
raise info 'will replay ddl tag: %, query: %', new.cmd, new.ddl;
if new.cmd = any(ARRAY['CREATE TABLE', 'ALTER TABLE']) then
end if;
if new.cmd = any(ARRAY['CREATE TABLE']) then
execute('alter subscription sub_test1 refresh publication');
end if;
return new;
end $$ language plpgsql;
create trigger t_replay_ddl after insert on test_log_ddl for each row execute procedure replay_log_ddl();
-- enable trigger on replication
alter table test_log_ddl enable always trigger t_replay_ddl;