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source code: controller - 2. controller

File metadata and controls

158 lines (132 loc) · 6.25 KB
tags: kubernetes, sourcecode, controller

kubernetes sourcecode: controller manager

controller manager is a component of the control plane. It runs as a standalone process that iniatializing and starting all controllers.

The NewControllerManagerCommand defines a cobra command which simply wraps the Run() function.

// kubernetes: cmd/kube-controller-manager/app/controllermanager.go

// NewControllerManagerCommand creates a *cobra.Command object with default parameters
func NewControllerManagerCommand() *cobra.Command {
	s, err := options.NewKubeControllerManagerOptions()

	cmd := &cobra.Command{
		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
			c, err := s.Config(KnownControllers(), ControllersDisabledByDefault.List())

			if err := Run(c.Complete(), wait.NeverStop); err != nil {
				fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%v\n", err)

	return cmd

Like scheduler, you can have multiple controller managers in a cluster too. But only one will do the actual job. They will choose a lead controller managers via election.

The core part of the Run() is the function that starts all the controllers via StartControllers. It also starts related informers and deals with election.

The the main goroutine needs to run forever so there is a select {} at end of the run function.

// kubernetes: cmd/kube-controller-manager/app/controllermanager.go

func Run(c *config.CompletedConfig, stopCh <-chan struct{}) error {

	run := func(ctx context.Context, startSATokenController InitFunc, initializersFunc ControllerInitializersFunc) {
		controllerContext, err := CreateControllerContext(c, rootClientBuilder, clientBuilder, ctx.Done())
		if err != nil {
			klog.Fatalf("error building controller context: %v", err)
		controllerInitializers := initializersFunc(controllerContext.LoopMode)
		if err := StartControllers(controllerContext, startSATokenController, controllerInitializers, unsecuredMux); err != nil {
			klog.Fatalf("error starting controllers: %v", err)


		select {}

	// No leader election, run directly
	if !c.ComponentConfig.Generic.LeaderElection.LeaderElect {
		run(context.TODO(), saTokenControllerInitFunc, NewControllerInitializers)

The StartControllers starts the SA token controller controller at first since it needs to setup permissions for other controllers. And then starts all other controllers one by one.

Each controller has startXXXController function that will start it. The function NewControllerInitializers returns a map of all except the SA token controller.

func NewControllerInitializers(loopMode ControllerLoopMode) map[string]InitFunc {
	controllers := map[string]InitFunc{}
	controllers["endpoint"] = startEndpointController
	controllers["endpointslice"] = startEndpointSliceController
	controllers["endpointslicemirroring"] = startEndpointSliceMirroringController
	controllers["replicationcontroller"] = startReplicationController
	controllers["podgc"] = startPodGCController
	controllers["resourcequota"] = startResourceQuotaController
	controllers["namespace"] = startNamespaceController
	controllers["serviceaccount"] = startServiceAccountController
	controllers["garbagecollector"] = startGarbageCollectorController
	controllers["daemonset"] = startDaemonSetController
	controllers["job"] = startJobController
	controllers["deployment"] = startDeploymentController
	controllers["replicaset"] = startReplicaSetController
	controllers["horizontalpodautoscaling"] = startHPAController
	controllers["disruption"] = startDisruptionController
	controllers["statefulset"] = startStatefulSetController
	controllers["cronjob"] = startCronJobController
	controllers["csrsigning"] = startCSRSigningController
	controllers["csrapproving"] = startCSRApprovingController
	controllers["csrcleaner"] = startCSRCleanerController
	controllers["ttl"] = startTTLController
	controllers["bootstrapsigner"] = startBootstrapSignerController
	controllers["tokencleaner"] = startTokenCleanerController
	controllers["nodeipam"] = startNodeIpamController
	controllers["nodelifecycle"] = startNodeLifecycleController
	if loopMode == IncludeCloudLoops {
		controllers["service"] = startServiceController
		controllers["route"] = startRouteController
		controllers["cloud-node-lifecycle"] = startCloudNodeLifecycleController
		// TODO: volume controller into the IncludeCloudLoops only set.
	controllers["persistentvolume-binder"] = startPersistentVolumeBinderController
	controllers["attachdetach"] = startAttachDetachController
	controllers["persistentvolume-expander"] = startVolumeExpandController
	controllers["clusterrole-aggregation"] = startClusterRoleAggregrationController
	controllers["pvc-protection"] = startPVCProtectionController
	controllers["pv-protection"] = startPVProtectionController
	controllers["ttl-after-finished"] = startTTLAfterFinishedController
	controllers["root-ca-cert-publisher"] = startRootCACertPublisher
	controllers["ephemeral-volume"] = startEphemeralVolumeController
	if utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(genericfeatures.APIServerIdentity) &&
		utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(genericfeatures.StorageVersionAPI) {
		controllers["storage-version-gc"] = startStorageVersionGCController

	return controllers

Some controllers are disabled by default.

var ControllersDisabledByDefault = sets.NewString(

start controller

Let's take the TTL controller as an example to see how the startXXXController works. It simply new a controller with informer and kube client and runs it with multiple workers in a goroutine.

func startTTLController(ctx ControllerContext) (http.Handler, bool, error) {
	go ttlcontroller.NewTTLController(
	).Run(5, ctx.Stop)
	return nil, true, nil
