If you want to contribute to this list (please do), send me a pull request or contact me @zwang4.
*Before opening a new pull request, it's helpful to search the current list and the existing pulls - it's possible that another user has already reported your item.
In order for a pull request to be accepted, it needs to pass this list of requirements:
- It should follow the link template*.
- The addition should be correctly classified as a paper, a blog post, a talk, a software or a dataset.
- It shouldn't be a duplicate.
*Link template:
* [Title](URL) - Description.
For papers, it should include the authors.
A listed repository should be deprecated if:
- Repository's owner explicitly says that "this library is not maintained".
- Not committed for long time (2~3 years).
To mark a repository as deprecated, put [DEPRECATED]
before the title and move it at the bottom of the list.