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# ProtocolConstants


Name Type Description Notes
ramp_up_cycles int The number of cycles where security deposit is ramping up [optional]
no_reward_cycles int The number of cycles with no baking rewards [optional]
consensus_rights_delay int Delay in cycles after which baking rights are assigned [optional]
delegate_parameters_activation_delay int Delay in cycles after which the parameters from `set_delegate_parameters` operations take effect [optional]
blocks_per_cycle int A number of blocks the cycle contains [optional]
blocks_per_commitment int A number of blocks that indicates how often seed nonce hash is included in a block. Seed nonce hash presents in only one out of `blocksPerCommitment` [optional]
blocks_per_snapshot int A number of blocks that indicates how often a snapshot (snapshots are records of the state of stake distributions) is taken [optional]
blocks_per_voting int A number of block that indicates how long a voting period takes [optional]
time_between_blocks int Minimum amount of seconds between blocks [optional]
endorsers_per_block int Number of bakers that assigned to endorse a block [optional]
hard_operation_gas_limit int Maximum amount of gas that one operation can consume [optional]
hard_operation_storage_limit int Maximum amount of storage that one operation can consume [optional]
hard_block_gas_limit int Maximum amount of total gas usage of a single block [optional]
minimal_stake int Required number of tokens to get 1 roll (micro tez) [optional]
minimal_frozen_stake int Required number of tokens to be frozen by bakers (micro tez) [optional]
block_deposit int Security deposit for baking (producing) a block (micro tez) [optional]
block_reward int[] Reward for baking (producing) a block (micro tez) [optional]
endorsement_deposit int Security deposit for sending an endorsement operation (micro tez) [optional]
endorsement_reward int[] Reward for sending an endorsement operation (micro tez) [optional]
origination_size int Initial storage size of an originated (created) account (bytes) [optional]
byte_cost int Cost of one storage byte in the blockchain (micro tez) [optional]
proposal_quorum float Percentage of the total number of voting power required to select a proposal on the proposal period [optional]
ballot_quorum_min float The minimum value of quorum percentage on the exploration and promotion periods [optional]
ballot_quorum_max float The maximum value of quorum percentage on the exploration and promotion periods [optional]
lb_toggle_threshold int 1/2 window size of 2000 blocks with precision of 1000000 for integer computation [optional]
consensus_threshold int Endorsement quorum [optional]
min_participation_numerator int Number of endorsed slots needed to receive endorsing rewards [optional]
min_participation_denominator int Number of endorsed slots needed to receive endorsing rewards [optional]
max_slashing_period int Number of cycles after double baking/(pre)endorsing where an accusation operation can be injected [optional]
max_delegated_over_frozen_ratio int The ratio of delegated tez over the baker’s frozen stake [optional]
max_external_over_own_stake_ratio int The ratio of external staked balance over the baker’s own staked balance [optional]
smart_rollup_origination_size int Initial storage size of an originated (created) smart rollup (bytes) [optional]
smart_rollup_stake_amount int Smart rollup commitment bond (mutez) [optional]
smart_rollup_challenge_window int Window (in blocks) when it's possible to refute pending commitment [optional]
smart_rollup_commitment_period int Period (in blocks) for publishing commitments [optional]
smart_rollup_timeout_period int Period (in blocks) when a refutation game player must make a turn [optional]
dictator string Governance dictator [optional]
preserved_cycles int [DEPRECATED] [optional]
lb_escape_threshold int [DEPRECATED] [optional]
lb_sunset_level int [DEPRECATED] [optional]
frozen_deposits_percentage int [DEPRECATED] [optional]
tx_rollup_origination_size int [DEPRECATED] [optional]
tx_rollup_commitment_bond int [DEPRECATED] [optional]
double_baking_punishment int [DEPRECATED] [optional]
double_endorsing_punishment_numerator int [DEPRECATED] [optional]
double_endorsing_punishment_denominator int [DEPRECATED] [optional]
revelation_reward int [DEPRECATED] [optional]
lb_subsidy int [DEPRECATED] [optional]
tokens_per_roll int [DEPRECATED] [optional]

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