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File metadata and controls

48 lines (35 loc) · 2.07 KB



  • Java >1.8, for building you need the JDK
  • a mysql DB for holding the data


Building and installing is possible with sbt. There is a ./sbt launcher shipped with this application. sbt will download all dependencies.

  • ./sbt run will build and run the application. Be sure to have a database.


Configuring is done in the conf/application.conf file. Especially interesting is:

  • db.default.url
  • importdirectory

Initial Run

If the database schema is not installed yet set `play.evolutions.enabled=true´ and follow the intstruction in the browser.

in conf/initial-user.yml is an initial user that is inserted in an empty db.

Users are for basic authentification, but there is no usermanagement. So users have to be added manually in the DB.


  • ./sbt dist will build a zip package in target/universal
  • ./sbt universal:packageZipTarball will create a gz package in target/universal. Copy it into your target environment and unpack it. Execute bin/dspacesubapp and the application will run.
  • You can also build a deb or rpm package with debian:packageBin see

You can add a special config file into config. It will overwrite settings made in application.conf. To use it execute bin/dspacesubapp -Dconfig.resource=prod.conf

There is an example for system.d file in dist/oai2rosetta.service. When build it is in the root path oaf th app.

- configure your paths
- copy dspacesubapp.service in /etc/systemd/system/
- systemctl daemon-reload
- systemctl start oai2rosetta.
- systemctl status oai2rosetta.
- systemctl stop oai2rosetta.
- systemctl enable oai2rosetta.


you can dockerize the application by

./sbt docker:publishLocal and run the container by docker run -p 9001:9000 oai2rosetta:1.0.

there is a docker.conf in the conf directory which is referenced in the build.sbt

More Information

this application is built on play 2.5