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SAP Delete Me7.2 540i

Bryan Smith edited this page May 2, 2019 · 20 revisions

In the XDF file I have marked down a category called SAP Within this category is multiple scaling factors and a table or two To get my SAP code to not be thrown on the dash anymore I did the following: This yielded me no error for SAP activation (it is unplugged and block plated off) and I get no error after cold start for SAP . OBD2 scan shows no error for SAP either meaning I could pass emissions

The items I 00'd

  • CWKONABG Altering from 5>1 is required (Explanation below)

OK so you're probably wondering whats going on right? What am I doing to my motor. Well the SAP diagnostic routine function as well as its existence impacts a few other REALLY important motor functions.

Long explanation below the TLDR is here:

MSLUB and MSLBAS are expected return values for the SAP pump CWKONABG tells the car that the SAP is not installed and to treat the kats differently the CLA* items silence the check engine light because the pump is unplugged

bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 
| | | | | | | +-- B katfz
| | | | | | +---- B kath
| | | | | +------ B slsfz   <<< defining byte for is the SLS system installed in the car
| | | | +-------- |
| | | +---------- |
| | +------------ |
| +-------------- |
+---------------- |

By the bit B slsfz from CWKONABG the catalyst heating concept without / with secondary air system becomes compatible: B slsfz = | 0: no secondary air system, lean catalyst heating operation of the engine | 1: with secondary air system, rich catalyst heating operation of the engine Further possible secondary air variations are described in %SLS. Lean warm-up: Default selection KFLMSKH with 1,05, transition to 1,0 resp. richer dependent on load (rl) when starting from rest and adjustment to the lean performance limit (lalgm) from %ESWL, as described in %LAMKO. Rich warm-up : Default selection KFLASKH with 1,1 to 1,2, transition to > 1,3 when starting from rest and adjustment to the lean performance limit (lalgm) from %ESWL, as described in %LAMKO. Also see %BBKHZ. or Lambda engine default selection by code word CWSLS in %SLS analogues to lean warm-up. The base point distribution of KFLMSKH, KFLASKH is to be chosen such that the "catalyst heating idle range" is sufficiently covered with regard to engine speed and load at idle and that a steady transition by interpolation to partial load can be performed. Default selection in %ESWL such that "lalgm" does not limit lalgf during catalyst heating. Switching off: No catalyst heating with MLSUS = 0 in %BBKHZ No Lambda action during lean warm-up: KFLMSKH = 1 with secondary air: MSLUB = 0 in %SLS and KFLASKH = 1.0

The other item we must alter is the Eskonf... more on this in another post but basically must edit these bytes: 00 C3 23 F3 30 30 F3 FF To become this: 00 C3 23 FF 30 33 F3 FF

Essentially what we are changing is the top level programming of the DME to tell it that the SAP was never installed from the factory