The following changes are required if you are upgrading from the previous version:
- Users
- In package.json, rename
and change version to0.1.0-beta.3
- In package.json, rename
- #16 Return revision metadata instead of just revisionKey @achambers
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
- #13 Add git-tag-commit and version-commit key generators @alisdair
- #15 [BUGFIX] Remove dependency on broccoli-asset-rev @achambers
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!
- #1 Create a tag form the hash of the index.html @achambers
- #3 Updated to be in line with how ember-cli-deploy handles context data @achambers
- #4 Remove dependency on index path @achambers
- #5 Now filePattern is relative to the dist dir stored in
@achambers - #6 Rename index-hash to file-hash @lukemelia
- #7 Change to use
hook instead ofwillDeploy
@achambers - #8 Renamed project and all references to
@achambers - #9
primes the config with data from the deployment context @achambers - #10 Restructure to use ember-cli-deploy-plugin, and complete rename to em… @lukemelia
- #12 Update README for v0.5.0 @achambers
Thank you to all who took the time to contribute!