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squab performs gene expression quantification by counting the number of aligned records that intersects a set of features. Output can be the raw counts or normalized counts in TPM (transcripts per million) or FPKM (fragments per kilobase per million mapped reads).

The original goal of this project is to provide a faster alternative to htseq-count. It uses similar counting rules and outputs a compatible data table.


Install Rust and use cargo to install squab.

$ cargo install --locked --git


squab has two subcommands: quantify and normalize.


quantify performs gene expression quantification by counting the number of times aligned records intersect known gene annotations.

Gene expression quantification

Usage: squab quantify [OPTIONS] --annotations <ANNOTATIONS> <SRC>

  <SRC>  Input alignment file

          Count secondary records (BAM flag 0x100)
          Count supplementary records (BAM flag 0x800)
          Count nonunique records (BAM data tag NH > 1)
      --strand-specification <STRAND_SPECIFICATION>
          Strand specification [default: auto] [possible values: none, forward, reverse, auto]
  -t, --feature-type <FEATURE_TYPE>
          Feature type to count [default: exon]
  -i, --id <ID>
          Feature attribute to use as the feature identity [default: gene_id]
      --min-mapping-quality <MIN_MAPPING_QUALITY>
          [default: 10]
  -o, --output <OUTPUT>
          Output destination
  -a, --annotations <ANNOTATIONS>
          Input annotations file (GFF3)
      --threads <THREADS>
          Force a specific number of threads
  -h, --help
          Print help (see more with '--help')

The default output is a tab-delimited text file with two columns: the feature identifier (string) and the number of reads (integer) from the input alignment that overlap it. This file is compatible as output from htseq-count, meaning it includes statistics in the trailer.


normalize takes raw counts and normalizes them by gene length, meaning the annotations used for quantification must be the same given here. Two normalization methods are available: FPKM for single sample normalization and TPM for across samples normalization (default).

Typically, this is only used when a sample was previously quanitifed, e.g., using squab quantify or htseq-count.

Normalize features counts

Usage: squab normalize [OPTIONS] --annotations <ANNOTATIONS> <SRC>

  <SRC>  Input counts file

  -t, --feature-type <FEATURE_TYPE>  Feature type to count [default: exon]
  -i, --id <ID>                      Feature attribute to use as the feature identity [default: gene_id]
  -a, --annotations <ANNOTATIONS>    Input annotations file (GFF3)
      --method <METHOD>              Quantification normalization method [default: tpm] [possible values: fpkm, tpm]
  -o, --output <OUTPUT>              Output destination
  -h, --help                         Print help (see more with '--help')

The output is a tab-delimited text file with two columns: the feature identifier (string) and the normalized value (double).


Count features (exons by gene ID)

$ squab \
    quantify \
    --annotations annotations.gff3.gz \
    --output sample.counts.tsv \

Count featues (genes by gene name)

$ squab \
    quantify \
    --annotations annotations.gff3.gz \
    --feature-type gene \
    --id gene_name \
    --output sample.counts.tsv \

Normalize counts in FPKM (exons by gene ID)

$ squab \
    normalize \
    --method fpkm \
    --annotations annotations.gff3.gz \
    sample.counts.tsv \
    > sample.fpkm.tsv


  • Counts are taken only as the union of matched feature sets, i.e., reads that overlap any part of the feature is considered once.
  • For paired end alignments, a read that matches itself before a mate is found replaces the previously known record.


  • S Anders, T P Pyl, W Huber. HTSeq – A Python framework to work with high-throughput sequencing data. bioRxiv 2014.

  • Wagner, G.P., Kin, K. & Lynch, V.J. Measurement of mRNA abundance using RNA-seq data: RPKM measure is inconsistent among samples. Theory Biosci. 131, 281–285 (2012).