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File metadata and controls

110 lines (92 loc) · 3.52 KB



  • 语法极简风
  • 支持自定义索引、复合条件查询('<','<=','==','>=','>','!=',&&,||)
  • 能够快速fork出一份数据副本
// ShadowDB简单示例
// ShadowDB是一个可以创建索引、能够快速fork出一份数据分支的C++内存数据库
#include "ShadowDB.h"
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>

using namespace std;

struct Id
    int v1;
    int v2;

    Id() = default;
    Id(int _v1, int _v2) : v1(_v1), v2(_v2) {}

    // 重载operator<即可作为索引字段
    friend bool operator<(Id const& lhs, Id const& rhs)
        if (lhs.v1 != rhs.v1)
            return lhs.v1 < rhs.v1;
        return lhs.v2 < rhs.v2;

struct ProcessInfo {
    Id id;
    string processUUID;
    string scriptName;
    int64_t scriptVersion;
    string scriptKey;
    string nodeName;

std::vector<ProcessInfo> gData = {
    {{0, 0}, "11becf19-97fe-4683-9b8e-fc52c933c7bc", "", 1, "mips-b-1", ""},
    {{0, 1}, "521e60b5-f636-4c8e-af51-860ef7771adc", "", 3, "mips-b-1", ""},
    {{0, 2}, "88b91109-2514-47c2-a0d1-1c73bc6b37dc", "", 1, "mips-a-1", ""},
    {{1, 0}, "e4e730ae-e7e2-4f70-a1ba-1d3733459932", "", 8, "mips-a-2", ""},
    {{1, 1}, "9df40b2d-d1db-4c83-819b-259686a21f31", "", 1, "mips-c-1", ""},
    {{1, 2}, "3038fc64-19fc-4212-9a46-cdb248104e9c", "", 2, "mips-a-1", ""},
    {{2, 0}, "59d11ac7-425a-42e9-b83d-c61e21a79d88", "", 1, "mips-a-1", ""},
    {{2, 1}, "9e146f96-dff1-427e-9aca-fee5f81fbbb3", "", 1, "mips-a-1", ""},

int main()
    // 创建ShadowDB类, 第一个模板参数是主键类型, 第二个模板参数是存储的数据结构体
    typedef ::shadow::DB<string, ProcessInfo> db_t;
    db_t db;

    // 创建普通索引
    // 创建自定义类索引
    // 创建联合索引
    db.createIndex({&ProcessInfo::scriptKey, &ProcessInfo::nodeName});

    // 写入数据
    for (ProcessInfo & pi : gData) {
        db.set(pi.processUUID, pi);

    // 删除数据
    bool deleteSuccess = db.del("11becf19-97fe-4683-9b8e-fc52c933c7bc");

    // 主键查询
    ProcessInfo pi;
    bool success = db.get("11becf19-97fe-4683-9b8e-fc52c933c7bc", pi);
    cout << "mainkey get success=" << success << endl;

    // 条件查询
    // 注意:返回的数据指针, 在数据库中的数据被修改后, 极有可能失效.
    //   需要长期使用时, 可以copy一份保存下来, 或使用selectVectorCopy接口查询
    std::vector<ProcessInfo const*> result = db.selectVector(
            Cond(&ProcessInfo::scriptVersion) >= 3);

    cout << result[0]->processUUID << endl;
    cout << result[1]->processUUID << endl;

    // 复合条件查询
    std::map<string, ProcessInfo const*> result2 = db.selectMap(
            Cond(&ProcessInfo::scriptVersion) >= 3
            && Cond(&ProcessInfo::scriptVersion) < 9
            || Cond(&ProcessInfo::id) == Id{0, 2}

    // 查询迭代器, 支持只取部分结果
    // 注意: 任何对数据库的修改, 都会导致迭代器失效
    db_t::condition_iterator it = > 1);
    for (; it; ++it) {
        string const* processUUID = it->first;
        ProcessInfo const* pi = it->second;
        cout << "select iterator -> processUUID=" << *processUUID << endl;

    return 0;