One day, I found Teambition App's launch introducing screen. Their animation shocks me.
I tried to write a similar features just like Teambition, but it's difficult.
Why not write a library including some basic animation, views animate with gesture triggers.
That's MagicDrag. No need to write much code, to create an unbelievable animating story.
MagicDrag use a scrollView which it's invisible. The scrollView content moves while user touch screen. We observes the scrollView delegate and deliver the contentOffset to Layers.
Layers including MGDPageLayer and MGDSceneLayer.
- MGDPageLayer similar to Photoshop's layer, it collects the same layerIndex MGDSceneLayer into one layer.
- MGDSceneLayer presents real content to user, you design animating views in it.
MGDSceneLayer can deliver contentOffset to MGDAnimatable view.
- MGDAnimatable is a protocol, views conforms this protocol can be animated.
See Demo & Simple Start.
Library still in develop.
MIT License.