Author: Yuri MX
Update: 2019-01-26
Note: The order of this list (from top to bottom) is the order of installation. Some dependencies may be missed if you don’t install in this order.
- base
- base-devel
- intel-ucode
- zsh
- zsh-completions
- clang
- llvm
- cmake
- linux-headers
- lua
- nodejs
- php
- python
- python2
- python-pip
- python2-pip
- npm
- gdb
- git
- libcss
- openssh
- pulseaudio
- portaudio
- xorg-server
- xorg-xinit
- xorg-apps
- libxss
- xorg-server-xwayland
- python-xdg
- python2-xdg
- gtk2
- gtk3
- qt5-base
- virtualbox-guest-modules-arch
- virtualbox-guest-utils
- ttf-dejavu
- ttf-arphic-ukai
- ttf-arphic-uming
- wqy-microhei
- wqy-zenhei
- ffmpeg
- celt
- faac
- faad2
- libcddb
- libcdio
- libdvdcss
- libdvdread
- libexif
- libmad
- libraw
- openexr
- sdl
- taglib
- wavpack
- lightdm
- lightdm-gtk-greeter
- awesome
- rxvt-unicode
- gnome-themes-extra
- emacs
- firefox
- firefox-i18n-zh-cn
- firefox-i18n-zh-tw
- aspell
- aspell-en
- bc
- neon
- ntp
- ripgrep
- udisks2
- xclip
- zip
- unzip
Please DO NOT install these apps if this installation is used as the base image of a VM.
- ruby
- tidy
- openal
- adobe-source-code-pro-fonts
- adobe-source-han-sans-cn-fonts
- libdca
- sbc
- ipython
- ipython2