description |
Integrate with Presto for ad-hoc queries with Full SQL |
Start running Presto Image with pre-built Presto Pinot connector.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Docker" %} Run below command to start a standalone Presto coordinator.
docker run \
--network pinot-demo \
--name=presto-coordinator \
-p 8080:8080 \
-d apachepinot/pinot-presto:latest
Then you can connect to presto with Presto-Cli.
if [[ ! -f "/tmp/presto-cli" ]]; then
curl -L -o /tmp/presto-cli
chmod +x /tmp/presto-cli
/tmp/presto-cli --server localhost:8080 --catalog pinot_quickstart --schema default
Then write your own queries;
presto:default> show tables;
(1 row)
Query 20200211_185652_00006_w6yfz, FINISHED, 1 node
Splits: 19 total, 19 done (100.00%)
0:00 [1 rows, 29B] [3 rows/s, 99B/s]
presto:default> select count(*) as flights_from_ca_to_ny from airlinestats where originstate='CA' and deststate='NY';
(1 row)
Query 20200211_190136_00018_w6yfz, FINISHED, 1 node
Splits: 17 total, 17 done (100.00%)
0:00 [1 rows, 8B] [5 rows/s, 42B/s]
presto:default> select * from airlinestats limit 1;
flightnum | origin | quarter | lateaircraftdelay | divactualelapsedtime | divwheelsons | divwheelsoffs | airtime | arrdel15 | divtotalgtimes | deptimeblk | destcitymarketid | divairportseqids | dayssinceepoch | deptime | month | crselapsedtime | deststatename | carrier |
122 | DFW | 1 | -2147483648 | -2147483648 | | | 202 | 0 | | 0700-0759 | 32457 | | 16088 | 715 | 1 | 235 | California | AA |
(1 row)
Query 20200211_185719_00007_w6yfz, FINISHED, 1 node
Splits: 17 total, 17 done (100.00%)
0:02 [1 rows, 325B] [0 rows/s, 133B/s]
Meanwhile you can access Presto Cluster UI to see query stats.