赵越2021213646 汪奕航2021213652 张子琛2021213671
Ubuntu 20.04
CUDA 11.6
python 3.10
conda create -n imagecaption python=3.10
conda init
conda activate imagecaption
conda install pytorch==1.13.1 torchvision==0.14.1 torchaudio==0.13.1 pytorch-cuda=11.6 -c pytorch -c nvidia
pip install aac_metrics==0.4.6
pip install nltk==3.5
pip install rouge==1.0.1
def build_format_json(data_dir, tgt_name):
json_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(data_dir, '*.json'))
start_sentence_id = 0
start_image_id = 0
tgt_data = {'images':[]}
for json_file in json_files:
json_split = 'train' if 'train' in json_file else 'test'
with open(json_file, 'r') as f:
data = json.load(f)
for img in data:
file_name = img
file_path = os.path.join(data_dir, file_name)
# sentences = data[img].split('.')
sentences = [data[img]]
sentids = [i for i in range(start_sentence_id, start_sentence_id+len(sentences))]
start_sentence_id += len(sentences)
tgt_sentences = [{'raw': sent, 'tokens': sent.split(' '), 'sentid': sentid, 'imgid': start_image_id} for sent, sentid in zip(sentences, sentids)]
tgt_data['images'].append({'filename': file_name, 'sentences': tgt_sentences, 'split': json_split})
start_image_id += 1
with open(os.path.join(data_dir, tgt_name), 'a') as f:
json.dump(tgt_data, f)
class WangModel(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, image_code_dim, vocab, word_dim, hidden_size, num_layers):
super(WangModel, self).__init__()
self.vocab = vocab
self.encoder = EntireImageEncoder()
self.decoder = GRUDecoder(image_code_dim, len(vocab), word_dim, hidden_size, num_layers)
def forward(self, images, captions, cap_lens):
image_code = self.encoder(images)
return self.decoder(image_code, captions, cap_lens)
Resnet将图像编码成一个(256, 7, 7)维的张量,通过变换使其转化为(49, 256),即原图片被分为49个网格区域,每个大小为256,通过加性注意力生成与当前隐状态最为接近的区域,连接输入给GRU进行自回归。GRU同时处理了文本特征与图像的局部特征,通过RNN的时序预测来生成目标输出。训练方式与GRU相同。
class ZhangModel(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, image_code_dim, vocab, word_dim, attention_dim, hidden_size, num_layers):
super(ZhangModel, self).__init__()
self.vocab = vocab
self.encoder = ResImageEncoder()
self.decoder = SelfAttentionDecoder(image_code_dim, len(vocab), word_dim, attention_dim, hidden_size, num_layers)
def forward(self, images, captions, cap_lens):
image_code = self.encoder(images)
return self.decoder(image_code, captions, cap_lens)
ViT通过将图像分割为多个patch,然后将这些块线性嵌入为一维序列。用标准的Transformer模型处理这些嵌入,捕捉图像的全局特征。Transformer Decoder接收来自ViT编码的图像特征,通过注意力机制来生成目标输出。可以以标准的自回归语言模型方式进行训练。
class ZhaoModel(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, image_code_dim, vocab, word_dim, attention_dim, hidden_size, num_layers):
super(ZhaoModel, self).__init__()
self.vocab = vocab
self.encoder = ViTImageEncoder(finetuned=False)
self.decoder = TransformerDecoder(image_code_dim, len(vocab), word_dim, attention_dim, hidden_size, num_layers)
def forward(self, images, captions, cap_lens):
image_code = self.encoder(images)
return self.decoder(image_code, captions, cap_lens)
ROUGE-L是基于Rouge的评估自动文摘以及机器翻译的指标,特别关注于生成文本的长距离依赖和结构,计算利用了最长公共子序列。 最长公共子序列的召回和精度:
class ROUGEL:
def __init__(self, beta: float = 1.2):
self.beta = beta
def LCS(self, seq1: List[str], seq2: List[str]) -> List[str]:
m, n = len(seq1), len(seq2)
dp = [[0] * (n+1) for _ in range(m+1)]
for i in range(1, m+1):
for j in range(1, n+1):
if seq1[i-1] == seq2[j-1]:
dp[i][j] = dp[i-1][j-1] + 1
dp[i][j] = max(dp[i-1][j], dp[i][j-1])
result = []
i, j = m, n
while i > 0 and j > 0:
if seq1[i-1] == seq2[j-1]:
i -= 1
j -= 1
elif dp[i-1][j] > dp[i][j-1]:
i -= 1
j -= 1
return result
def compute(self, hyp: str, ref: str) -> float:
hyp = tokenize(hyp)
ref = tokenize(ref)
lcs = len(self.LCS(hyp, ref))
P_lcs = lcs / len(hyp)
R_lcs = lcs / len(ref)
F_lcs = ((1 + self.beta ** 2) * R_lcs * P_lcs) / (R_lcs + self.beta ** 2 * P_lcs)
return F_lcs
return 0
def __call__(self, hyp: str, refs: List[str]) -> float:
scores = 0
for ref in refs:
scores += self.compute(hyp, ref)
return scores / len(refs)
class CIDErD:
def __init__(self, n: int = 4, sigma: float = 6.0, scale: float = 10.0):
self.n = n
self.sigma = sigma
self.scale = scale
def compute_score(self, candidates, references, return_all_scores: bool = True, return_tfidf: bool = False):
# 预处理
process_cands, process_refes = self._prepare_data(candidates, references)
# 计算打分
score = self._compute(process_cands, process_refes, return_all_scores, return_tfidf)
return score
def _prepare_data(self, candidates, references):
# 候选文本数量与参考文本数量相同
if len(candidates) != len(references):
raise ValueError(f"Invalid number of candidates and references. (found {len(candidates)=} != {len(references)=})")
new_process_refes = [[self._process_sentence(ref) for ref in refs] for refs in references]
new_process_cands = [self._process_sentence(cand) for cand in candidates]
return new_process_cands, new_process_refes
def _compute(self, process_cands, process_refes, return_all_scores: bool, return_tfidf: bool):
# 至少需要两个候选文本及其对应的参考文本
if len(process_cands) <= 1:
raise ValueError(f"CIDEr-D metric does not support less than 2 candidates with 2 references. (found {len(process_cands)} candidates, but expected > 1)")
# 计算参考文本中n-gram的文档频率
doc_frequencies = self._compute_doc_freq(process_refes)
# 候选文本的数量大于等于任何n-gram的最大文档频率
assert len(process_cands) >= max(doc_frequencies.values()), "Sanity check failed."
log_refs = np.log(float(len(process_refes)))
# 计算每个候选文本与其对应参考文本之间的CIDEr-D评分
cider_scores, tfidf_lst = self._compute_cider(process_cands, process_refes, doc_frequencies, log_refs)
cider_score = cider_scores.mean()
cider_scores = torch.from_numpy(cider_scores)
cider_score = torch.as_tensor(cider_score, dtype=torch.float64)
if return_all_scores:
cider_outs_corpus = {"CIDEr_d": cider_score}
cider_outs_sents = {"CIDEr_d": cider_scores}
if return_tfidf:
cider_outs_sents["tfidf_lst"] = tfidf_lst
cider_outs = cider_outs_corpus, cider_outs_sents
return cider_outs
return cider_score
def _process_sentence(self, sentence: str):
words = tokenize(sentence)
# ngram计数
ngram_counter = Counter()
# 生成n-gram
for k in range(1, self.n + 1):
for i in range(len(words) - k + 1):
ngram = tuple(words[i : i + k])
ngram_counter[ngram] += 1
return ngram_counter
def _compute_doc_freq(self, process_refes):
doc_frequencies = Counter()
for refs in process_refes:
# 创建一个集合 all_refs_ngrams,包含了当前参考文本集(refs)中所有的唯一 n-gram
all_refs_ngrams = set(ngram for ref in refs for ngram in ref.keys())
for ngram in all_refs_ngrams:
doc_frequencies[ngram] += 1 # 代表该n-gram在多少个不同的参考文本中出现过
return doc_frequencies
def _compute_cider(self, process_cands, process_refes, doc_frequencies, log_refs: float):
scores = np.empty((len(process_cands),))
tfidf_lst = []
# 候选文本的n-gram计数转换为向量形式,同时计算其范数和长度
for i, (cand, refs) in enumerate(zip(process_cands, process_refes)):
vec, norm, length = self._counter_to_vec(cand, log_refs, doc_frequencies)
ngrams_scores = np.zeros((len(refs), self.n))
vec_refs = []
# 将每个参考文本n-gram计数转换为向量,并计算其范数和长度
for j, ref in enumerate(refs):
vec_ref, norm_ref, length_ref = self._counter_to_vec(ref, log_refs, doc_frequencies)
ngrams_scores[j] = self._similarity(vec, vec_ref, norm, norm_ref, length, length_ref)
score_avg = ngrams_scores.sum(axis=0).mean() / len(refs)
scores[i] = score_avg
tfidf_lst.append((vec, vec_refs))
scores = scores * self.scale
return scores, tfidf_lst
def _counter_to_vec(self, counters, log_refs: float, doc_frequencies):
vec = [defaultdict(float) for _ in range(self.n)] # 存储每个n-gram的TF-IDF值
length = 0 # 文本的长度
norm = np.zeros((self.n,)) # 存储每个n-gram向量的范数
for ngram, term_freq in counters.items():
# 确定文档频率是通过映射还是函数获取的
if isinstance(doc_frequencies, Mapping):
count = doc_frequencies[ngram]
count = doc_frequencies(ngram)
log_df = np.log(max(1.0, count))
# 根据n-gram的长度确定当前n-gram的索引
cur_n = len(ngram) - 1
# 计算n-gram的TF-IDF值并存储在 vec 中
vec[cur_n][ngram] = float(term_freq) * (log_refs - log_df)
# 更新 norm 数组,表示每个n-gram向量的范数
norm[cur_n] += pow(vec[cur_n][ngram], 2)
if cur_n == 1:
length += term_freq
norm = np.sqrt(norm)
return vec, norm, length
def _similarity(self, cand_vec, ref_vec, cand_norm, ref_norm, cand_len: int, ref_len: int):
delta = int(cand_len - ref_len)
similarities = np.zeros((self.n,))
# 外层循环遍历不同的n-gram长度
for ni in range(self.n):
# 内层循环遍历候选文本的n-gram及其计数
for ngram, count in cand_vec[ni].items():
# 相似度计算基于候选文本和参考文本中相同n-gram的计数
similarities[ni] += min(count, ref_vec[ni][ngram]) * ref_vec[ni][ngram]
# 如果n-gram向量的范数不为零,则通过候选文本和参考文本的范数来标准化相似度
if (cand_norm[ni] != 0) and (ref_norm[ni] != 0):
similarities[ni] /= cand_norm[ni] * ref_norm[ni]
# 长度惩罚因子
similarities[ni] *= np.e ** (-(delta**2) / (2 * self.sigma**2))
return similarities
对于词与词之间的顺序问题,该指标引入了fragmentation penalty,如果两句子中相互匹配的单词是相邻的,那么就定义为同一块(chunk),块的总数ch,frag定义为
class Meteor:
def __init__(self, alpha, beta, gamma):
self.alpha = alpha
self.beta = beta
self.gamma = gamma
self.stemmer = PorterStemmer()
self.wordnet = wordnet
# 执行基本匹配。比较假设句子(hypothesis)和参考句子(reference)中的词汇,返回匹配的词对和未匹配的词列表。
def basic_match(self, hypo_list, refer_list):
word_match = []
for i in range(len(hypo_list))[::-1]:
for j in range(len(refer_list))[::-1]:
if hypo_list[i][1] == refer_list[j][1]:
word_match.append((hypo_list[i][0], refer_list[j][0]))
return word_match, hypo_list, refer_list
# 执行词干匹配。使用词干提取器处理假设句子和参考句子中的词汇,然后进行匹配,返回匹配的词对和未匹配的词列表。
def stem_match(self, hypo_list, refer_list):
stemmed_enum_list_hypo = [(word_idx, self.stemmer.stem(word)) for word_idx, word in hypo_list]
stemmed_enum_list_ref = [(word_idx, self.stemmer.stem(word)) for word_idx, word in refer_list]
word_match, unmat_hypo_idx, unmat_ref_idx = self.basic_match(stemmed_enum_list_hypo, stemmed_enum_list_ref)
unmat_hypo_indices = set(idx[0] for idx in unmat_hypo_idx)
unmat_ref_indices = set(idx[0] for idx in unmat_ref_idx)
hypo_list = [(idx, word) for idx, word in hypo_list if idx not in unmat_hypo_indices]
refer_list = [(idx, word) for idx, word in refer_list if idx not in unmat_ref_indices]
return word_match, hypo_list, refer_list
# 使用WordNet词库查找同义词
def get_synonyms(self, word):
return set(lemma.name() for synset in self.wordnet.synsets(word) for lemma in synset.lemmas() if lemma.name().find("_") < 0)
# 使用WordNet进行匹配。检查假设句子中的词汇是否与参考句子中的词汇或其同义词匹配,并返回匹配的词对和未匹配的词列表。
def wordnet_match(self, hypo_list, refer_list):
word_match = []
for i, (hypo_idx, hypo_word) in reversed(list(enumerate(hypo_list))):
hypothesis_syns = self.get_synonyms(hypo_word)
match_found = any(refer_word == hypo_word or refer_word in hypothesis_syns for _, refer_word in reversed(refer_list))
if match_found:
word_match.append((hypo_idx, refer_list[-1][0]))
return word_match, hypo_list, refer_list
# 组合不同的匹配方法
def match(self, hypo_list, refer_list):
exact_matches, hypo_list, refer_list = self.basic_match(hypo_list, refer_list)
stem_matches, hypo_list, refer_list = self.stem_match(hypo_list, refer_list)
wns_matches, hypo_list, refer_list = self.wordnet_match(hypo_list, refer_list)
return sorted(exact_matches + stem_matches + wns_matches, key=lambda wordpair: wordpair[0])
# 匹配块的数量
def chunk_num(self, matches):
i = 0
chunks_num = 1
while i < len(matches) - 1:
if matches[i + 1][0] == matches[i][0] + 1 and matches[i + 1][1] == matches[i][1] + 1:
i += 1
i += 1
chunks_num += 1
return chunks_num
# 整合匹配、精确度、召回率、惩罚因子
def compute(self, reference, hypothesis):
hypo_list = list(enumerate(hypothesis.lower().split()))
refer_list = list(enumerate(reference.lower().split()))
hypo_len = len(hypo_list)
refer_len = len(refer_list)
matches = self.match(hypo_list, refer_list)
matches_num = len(matches)
if matches_num == 0:
return 0
precision = matches_num / hypo_len
recall = matches_num / refer_len
fmean = precision * recall / (self.alpha * precision + (1 - self.alpha) * recall)
chunk_num = self.chunk_num(matches)
frag_frac = chunk_num / matches_num
penalty = self.gamma * frag_frac ** self.beta
meteor_score = (1 - penalty) * fmean
return meteor_score
def __call__(self, references, hypothesis):
scores = [self.compute(reference, hypothesis) for reference in references]
return max(scores)
由于生成式大语言模型的突破性进展,Haotian Liu等人构建了一种通用的视觉语言模型LLaVA,用户可以传入一张图片然后与模型对话。LLaVA在过滤出的595K CC3M上进行了预训练对齐视觉语言特征,并在158K指令微调数据上进行SFT,获得了较强的视觉-语言知识,因此我们考虑利用模型的基础能力,在deepfashion数据集上进行lora微调,并且用微调后的模型构造新的数据集用于小模型训练,期望以数据的形式将大模型能力蒸馏到小模型。
LLaVA@clip-vit-large-patch14 & Vicuña-13b
def process(src, tgt):
data = read_json(src)
tgt_format_data = []
for image, caption in tqdm(data.items()):
basename = os.path.basename(image)
image_id = basename.replace('.jpg', '')
'id': image_id,
'image': basename,
'conversations': [
'from': 'human',
'value': 'Please describe this image in deepfashion dataset style.'
'from': 'gpt',
'value': caption
save_json(tgt_format_data, tgt)
利用完成格式转换的deepfashion数据集对LLaVA进行微调,微调时固定问题为:Please describe this image in deepfashion dataset style.,可以理解为给模型加了一个special token,将模型的搜索空间限制在了deepfashion数据集的(语言空间
deepspeed llava/train/train_mem.py \
--deepspeed ./scripts/zero2.json \
--lora_enable True \
--model_name_or_path ./checkpoint/$MODEL_VERSION \
--version $PROMPT_VERSION \
--data_path /data/CourseProject/data/deepfashion/train_data_llava.json \
--image_folder /data/CourseProject/data/deepfashion/images \
--vision_tower /data/CLIP/clip-vit-large-patch14 \
--pretrain_mm_mlp_adapter ./checkpoint/llava-$MODEL_VERSION-pretrain/mm_projector.bin \
--mm_vision_select_layer -2 \
--mm_use_im_start_end False \
--mm_use_im_patch_token False \
--bf16 True \
--output_dir ./checkpoint/llava-$MODEL_VERSION-finetune_lora \
--num_train_epochs 1 \
--per_device_train_batch_size 16 \
--per_device_eval_batch_size 4 \
--gradient_accumulation_steps 1 \
--evaluation_strategy "no" \
--save_strategy "steps" \
--save_steps 5000 \
--save_total_limit 1 \
--learning_rate 2e-5 \
--weight_decay 0. \
--warmup_ratio 0.03 \
--lr_scheduler_type "cosine" \
--logging_steps 1 \
--tf32 True \
--model_max_length 2048 \
--gradient_checkpointing True \
--lazy_preprocess True \
--dataloader_num_workers 4 \
--report_to wandb
使用与lora微调时采用的相同prefix,将模型生成的句子作为新的数据集,用于小模型的训练。 需要说明的是,我们在这里通过控制llava解码时的temperature尝试构建了两种不同类型的数据集(llava_creative_deepfashion, llava_precise_deepfashion),分别训练小模型,在后面我们会对两种数据集训练结果的差异做讨论。
def main(args):
# Model
model_name = get_model_name_from_path(args.model_path)
tokenizer, model, image_processor, context_len = load_pretrained_model(args.model_path, args.model_base, model_name, args.load_8bit, args.load_4bit)
if 'llama-2' in model_name.lower():
conv_mode = "llava_llama_2"
elif "v1" in model_name.lower():
conv_mode = "llava_v1"
elif "mpt" in model_name.lower():
conv_mode = "mpt"
conv_mode = "llava_v0"
if args.conv_mode is not None and conv_mode != args.conv_mode:
print('[WARNING] the auto inferred conversation mode is {}, while `--conv-mode` is {}, using {}'.format(conv_mode, args.conv_mode, args.conv_mode))
args.conv_mode = conv_mode
for img in tqdm(data['images']):
inp = 'Please describe this image in deepfashion dataset style.'
path = os.path.join(image_folder, img['filename'])
conv = conv_templates[args.conv_mode].copy()
image = load_image(path)
image_tensor = image_processor.preprocess(image, return_tensors='pt')['pixel_values'].half().cuda()
# print(f"Image: {path}")
if image is not None:
# first message
if model.config.mm_use_im_start_end:
inp = DEFAULT_IMAGE_TOKEN + '\n' + inp
conv.append_message(conv.roles[0], inp)
image = None
# later messages
conv.append_message(conv.roles[0], inp)
conv.append_message(conv.roles[1], None)
prompt = conv.get_prompt()
input_ids = tokenizer_image_token(prompt, tokenizer, IMAGE_TOKEN_INDEX, return_tensors='pt').unsqueeze(0).cuda()
stop_str = conv.sep if conv.sep_style != SeparatorStyle.TWO else conv.sep2
keywords = [stop_str]
stopping_criteria = KeywordsStoppingCriteria(keywords, tokenizer, input_ids)
# streamer = TextStreamer(tokenizer, skip_prompt=True, skip_special_tokens=True)
streamer = None
with torch.inference_mode():
output_ids = model.generate(
outputs = tokenizer.decode(output_ids[0, input_ids.shape[1]:]).strip()
conv.messages[-1][-1] = outputs
img['sentences'][0]['raw'] = outputs
img['sentences'][0]['tokens'] = outputs.split(' ')
if args.debug:
print("\n", {"prompt": prompt, "outputs": outputs}, "\n")
global_step = 0
for epoch in range(start_epoch, config.num_epochs):
now_step = 0
for i, (imgs, caps, caplens) in enumerate(train_loader):
# 1. 读取数据至GPU
imgs = imgs.to(device)
caps = caps.to(device)
caplens = caplens.to(device)
# 2. 前馈计算
predictions, alphas, sorted_captions, lengths, sorted_cap_indices = model(imgs, caps, caplens)
# 3. 计算损失
# captions从第2个词开始为targets
loss = loss_fn(predictions, sorted_captions[:, 1:], lengths)
# 重随机注意力正则项,使得模型尽可能全面的利用到每个网格
# 要求所有时刻在同一个网格上的注意力分数的平方和接近1
loss += config.alpha_weight * ((1. - alphas.sum(axis=1)) ** 2).mean()
# 梯度截断
if config.grad_clip > 0:
nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), config.grad_clip)
# 4. 更新参数
wandb.log({"loss": loss.cpu()})
global_step += 1
now_step += 1
state = {
'epoch': epoch,
'step': now_step,
'model': model,
'optimizer': optimizer
rouge_l, cider, meteor, bleu = evaluate(valid_loader, model, config, metriclogger, global_step)
# 5. 选择模型
print(rouge_l, cider, meteor, bleu)
print(best_rougel, best_cider, best_meteor, best_bleu)
if np.mean([rouge_l, cider, meteor, bleu]) > np.mean([best_rougel, best_cider, best_meteor, best_bleu]):
best_rougel, best_cider, best_meteor, best_bleu = rouge_l, cider, meteor, bleu
torch.save(state, config.best_checkpoint)
torch.save(state, config.last_checkpoint)
我们选取每个模型最好的checkpoint在deepfashion数据集上进行测试,测试结果如下表,我们发现vit_b_16+transformer decoder模型在所有指标上表现最好。首先vit_b_16的参数量为86M,而resnet101的参数量为42.5M,vit_b_16的参数量是resnet101的两倍;而且transformer decoder由于引入注意力机制在语言建模任务上表现更好;同时vit输出的图片特征更加类似离散的语言特征,因此vit_b_16+transformer decoder模型在deepfashion数据集上表现最好。
bleu | cider | meteor | rouge | |
resnet101整体表示+gru | 0.668 | 1.235 | 0.524 | 0.501 |
renet101网格表示+self attention gru | 0.635 | 1.275 | 0.481 | 0.464 |
vit_b_16+transformer decoder | 0.727 | 1.618 | 0.597 | 0.569 |
![]() loss |
![]() meteor |
![]() cider |
![]() bleu |
![]() rouge |
bleu | cider | meteor | rouge | |
llava_precise_deepfashion | 0.653 | 1.90 | 0.624 | 0.654 |
llava_creative_deepfashion | 0.339 | 0.259 | 0.247 | 0.293 |
![]() loss |
![]() meteor |
![]() cider |
![]() bleu |
![]() rouge |
class EntireImageEncoder(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, finetuned=True):
super(EntireImageEncoder, self).__init__()
model = torchvision.models.resnet101(weights=ResNet101_Weights.DEFAULT)
self.grid_rep_extractor = nn.Sequential(*(list(model.children())[:-1]))
for param in self.grid_rep_extractor.parameters():
param.requires_grad = finetuned
def forward(self, images):
out = self.grid_rep_extractor(images).reshape(-1, 2048)
return out
class ResImageEncoder(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, finetuned=True):
super(ResImageEncoder, self).__init__()
model = torchvision.models.resnet101(weights=ResNet101_Weights.DEFAULT)
# ResNet-101网格表示提取器
self.grid_rep_extractor = nn.Sequential(*(list(model.children())[:-2]))
for param in self.grid_rep_extractor.parameters():
param.requires_grad = finetuned
def forward(self, images):
out = self.grid_rep_extractor(images)
return out
class ViTImageEncoder(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, finetuned=True):
super(ViTImageEncoder, self).__init__()
self.model = vit_b_16(weights=ViT_B_16_Weights.DEFAULT)
# self.model = self.model.encoder
# finetune?
if not finetuned:
for param in self.model.parameters():
param.requires_grad = False
def forward(self, images):
x = self.model._process_input(images)
n = x.shape[0]
batch_class_token = self.model.class_token.expand(n, -1, -1)
x = torch.cat([batch_class_token, x], dim=1)
out = self.model.encoder(x)
return out
class GRUDecoder(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, image_code_dim, vocab_size, word_dim, hidden_size, num_layers, dropout=0.5):
super(GRUDecoder, self).__init__()
self.embed = nn.Embedding(vocab_size, word_dim)
self.hidden_size = hidden_size
self.rnn = nn.GRU(word_dim + image_code_dim, hidden_size, num_layers)
self.fc = nn.Linear(hidden_size, vocab_size)
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=dropout)
self.init_state = nn.Linear(image_code_dim, num_layers * hidden_size)
def init_weights(self):
self.embed.weight.data.uniform_(-0.1, 0.1)
self.fc.weight.data.uniform_(-0.1, 0.1)
def init_hidden_state(self, image_code, captions, cap_lens):
(batch_size, image_code_dim)
batch_size = captions.size(0)
# (1)按照caption的长短排序
sorted_cap_lens, sorted_cap_indices = torch.sort(cap_lens, 0, True)
captions = captions[sorted_cap_indices]
image_code = image_code[sorted_cap_indices]
# (2)初始化隐状态
hidden_state = self.init_state(image_code)
hidden_state = hidden_state.view(
self.rnn.hidden_size).permute(1, 0, 2)
return image_code, captions, sorted_cap_lens, sorted_cap_indices, hidden_state
def forward_step(self, image_code, curr_cap_embed, hidden_state):
# (3.1)以图像整体表示和当前时刻词表示为输入,获得GRU输出
x = torch.cat((image_code, curr_cap_embed), dim=-1).unsqueeze(0)
# x: (1, real_batch_size, hidden_size + word_dim)
# out: (1, real_batch_size, hidden_size)
out, hidden_state = self.rnn(x, hidden_state)
# (3.2)获取该时刻的预测结果
# (real_batch_size, vocab_size)
preds = self.fc(self.dropout(out.squeeze(0)))
return preds, hidden_state
def forward(self, image_code, captions, cap_lens):
hidden_state: (num_layers, batch_size, hidden_size)
image_code: (batch_size, image_code_dim)
captions: (batch_size, )
# (1)将图文数据按照文本的实际长度从长到短排序
# (2)获得GRU的初始隐状态
image_code, captions, sorted_cap_lens, sorted_cap_indices, hidden_state \
= self.init_hidden_state(image_code, captions, cap_lens)
batch_size = image_code.size(0)
# 输入序列长度减1,因为最后一个时刻不需要预测下一个词
lengths = sorted_cap_lens.cpu() - 1
# 初始化变量:模型的预测结果和注意力分数
predictions = torch.zeros(batch_size, lengths[0], self.fc.out_features).to(captions.device)
# 获取文本嵌入表示 cap_embeds: (batch_size, num_steps, word_dim)
cap_embeds = self.embed(captions)
# Teacher-Forcing模式
for step in range(lengths[0]):
# (3)解码
# (3.1)模拟pack_padded_sequence函数的原理,获取该时刻的非<pad>输入
real_batch_size = torch.where(lengths > step)[0].shape[0]
preds, hidden_state = self.forward_step(
cap_embeds[:real_batch_size, step, :],
hidden_state[:, :real_batch_size, :].contiguous())
# 记录结果
predictions[:real_batch_size, step, :] = preds
return predictions, captions, lengths, sorted_cap_indices
class SelfAttentionDecoder(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, image_code_dim, vocab_size, word_dim, attention_dim, hidden_size, num_layers, num_heads=1, dropout=0.5):
super(SelfAttentionDecoder, self).__init__()
self.embed = nn.Embedding(vocab_size, word_dim)
self.attention = AdditiveAttention(hidden_size, image_code_dim, attention_dim)
self.init_state = nn.Linear(image_code_dim, num_layers*hidden_size)
self.rnn = nn.GRU(word_dim + image_code_dim, hidden_size, num_layers)
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=dropout)
self.fc = nn.Linear(hidden_size, vocab_size)
self.self_attention = nn.MultiheadAttention(hidden_size, num_heads, dropout)
def init_weights(self):
self.embed.weight.data.uniform_(-0.1, 0.1)
self.fc.weight.data.uniform_(-0.1, 0.1)
def init_hidden_state(self, image_code, captions, cap_lens):
(batch_size, image_code_dim, grid_height, grid_width)
# 将图像网格表示转换为序列表示形式
batch_size, image_code_dim = image_code.size(0), image_code.size(1)
if image_code.dim() == 4:
# -> (batch_size, grid_height, grid_width, image_code_dim)
image_code = image_code.permute(0, 2, 3, 1)
# -> (batch_size, grid_height * grid_width, image_code_dim)
image_code = image_code.view(batch_size, -1, image_code_dim)
# (1)按照caption的长短排序
sorted_cap_lens, sorted_cap_indices = torch.sort(cap_lens, 0, True)
captions = captions[sorted_cap_indices]
image_code = image_code[sorted_cap_indices]
hidden_state = self.init_state(image_code.mean(axis=1))
hidden_state = hidden_state.view(
self.rnn.hidden_size).permute(1, 0, 2)
return image_code, captions, sorted_cap_lens, sorted_cap_indices, hidden_state
def forward_step(self, image_code, curr_cap_embed, hidden_state):
# query:hidden_state[-1],即最后一个隐藏层输出 (batch_size, hidden_size)
# context: (batch_size, hidden_size)
context, alpha = self.attention(hidden_state[-1], image_code)
x = torch.cat((context, curr_cap_embed), dim=-1).unsqueeze(0)
# x: (1, real_batch_size, hidden_size+word_dim)
# out: (1, real_batch_size, hidden_size)
out, hidden_state = self.rnn(x, hidden_state)
# (real_batch_size, vocab_size)
out, _ = self.self_attention(out, out, out)
preds = self.fc(self.dropout(out.squeeze(0)))
return preds, alpha, hidden_state
def forward(self, image_code, captions, cap_lens):
hidden_state: (num_layers, batch_size, hidden_size)
image_code: (batch_size, feature_channel, feature_size)
captions: (batch_size, )
# (1)将图文数据按照文本的实际长度从长到短排序
# (2)获得GRU的初始隐状态
image_code, captions, sorted_cap_lens, sorted_cap_indices, hidden_state \
= self.init_hidden_state(image_code, captions, cap_lens)
batch_size = image_code.size(0)
# 输入序列长度减1,因为最后一个时刻不需要预测下一个词
lengths = sorted_cap_lens.cpu() - 1
# 初始化变量:模型的预测结果和注意力分数
predictions = torch.zeros(batch_size, lengths[0], self.fc.out_features).to(captions.device)
alphas = torch.zeros(batch_size, lengths[0], image_code.shape[1]).to(captions.device)
# 获取文本嵌入表示 cap_embeds: (batch_size, num_steps, word_dim)
cap_embeds = self.embed(captions)
# Teacher-Forcing模式
for step in range(lengths[0]):
real_batch_size = torch.where(lengths>step)[0].shape[0]
preds, alpha, hidden_state = self.forward_step(
cap_embeds[:real_batch_size, step, :],
hidden_state[:, :real_batch_size, :].contiguous())
# 记录结果
predictions[:real_batch_size, step, :] = preds
alphas[:real_batch_size, step, :] = alpha
return predictions, alphas, captions, lengths, sorted_cap_indices
class TransformerDecoder(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, image_code_dim, vocab_size, word_dim, attention_dim, hidden_size, num_layers, dropout=0.5,nhead=4):
super(TransformerDecoder, self).__init__()
self.embed = nn.Embedding(vocab_size, word_dim)
self.hidden_size = hidden_size
self.nhead = nhead
self.decoder_layers = nn.TransformerDecoderLayer(d_model=hidden_size, nhead=self.nhead, dim_feedforward=hidden_size)
self.decoder = nn.TransformerDecoder(self.decoder_layers, num_layers=num_layers)
self.fc = nn.Linear(hidden_size, vocab_size)
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=dropout)
def init_weights(self):
self.embed.weight.data.uniform_(-0.1, 0.1)
self.fc.weight.data.uniform_(-0.1, 0.1)
def forward(self, image_code, captions, cap_lens=None):
batch_size = captions.size(0)
if cap_lens is not None:
sorted_cap_lens, sorted_cap_indices = torch.sort(cap_lens, 0, True)
sorted_cap_lens = sorted_cap_lens.cpu() - 1
captions = captions[sorted_cap_indices]
image_code = image_code[sorted_cap_indices]
sorted_cap_lens = None
sorted_cap_indices = None
hidden_state = image_code.permute(1, 0, 2) # (batch_size, visual_seq_length, hidden_size)
captions_embed = self.embed(captions) # (batch_size, max_seq_length, word_dim)
captions_embed = self.dropout(captions_embed)
memory = hidden_state.repeat(self.decoder.num_layers, 1, 1) # (num_layers, batch_size, hidden_size)
tgt_mask = self.generate_square_subsequent_mask(captions.size(1)).to(captions.device)
output = self.decoder(captions_embed.permute(1, 0, 2), memory, tgt_mask=tgt_mask)
output = self.fc(output.permute(1, 0, 2)) # (batch_size, max_seq_length, vocab_size)
return output, None, captions, sorted_cap_lens, sorted_cap_indices
# 确保在每个时间步只能访问到当前和之前的位置
def generate_square_subsequent_mask(sz):
mask = torch.triu(torch.ones(sz, sz) * float('-inf'), diagonal=1)
return mask
我们的工作重点集中在将数据集格式转换和处理,以满足模型训练的具体需求;此外,我们还设计并训练了三种独特的模型架构,涵盖结合了CNN/ViT与GRU的模型、基于自注意力机制的网格/区域表示模型,以及融合ViT与Transformer Decoder的模型。为了全面评估这些模型的性能,我们采用了ROUGE-L、CIDEr-D、METEOR等多种评估指标进行了深入分析。
实验结果表明,ViT_b_16加上Transformer Decoder的组合在整体性能评估中展现了卓越的表现,充分证明了其在图像描述生成任务中的高效性和有效性。同时,我们还注意到数据集的质量和处理方式对模型训练及其性能产生了显著影响,这一点在llava_precise_deepfashion和llava_creative_deepfashion两个数据集的实验结果中得到了清晰的体现。