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297 lines (231 loc) · 9.81 KB

File metadata and controls

297 lines (231 loc) · 9.81 KB


simpler, functional oriented, descriptive api

functional modules

  • instead of adding a ton of things to an object prototype , we favor simple, specialized functions, each in their own module (no/less circular dependendcies, better overview, better for future code splitting etc)

  • this is partially inspired by gl-matrix and particularly its offshoots/forks : gl-vec2, gl-vec3, gl-vec4

Order of parameters

  • options first, objects after that :
  • to make functions curryable
  • to accomodate for variable amount of objects passed in etc

Clear errors

  • nothing should fail silently!



'scene'/ object hierarchy and transforms are not implicit/ baked in

ie in V1, there were no transforms (position/rotation/scale, transformation matrix) available, as soon as you transformed and object ie translate([0,10,1], shape1) , ALL of shape1's vertices where transformed this

  • can be quite wastefull, and prevents efficient re-use
  • does not allow for object hierarchies If you want for example to create a system to show assembled/ disassembled versions of a design, you can now just apply a different transformation matrix, and leave the bulk of the work for displaying things in the right place to the scenegraph/GPU which is considerably faster than changing every vertex every frame
  • any booleans/ operations that alter the geometry itself (vertices), should not be conflated with more generic transforms

transforms do not have to be specified manually every time:

  • they default to a 'unit' matrix
  • ie position: [0, 0 ,0] , rotation [0,0,0], scale [1, 1, 1]

ie (pseudo code)

const myPart = {

is the same as

  const myPart = {
    transform : [1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1]


  • use quaternions or not ?
  • define position, rotation, scale individually ie: position: [10, 0, -1.2], rotation: [0, 0, 0], scale: [1, 1, 1] or just transformation matrix/quaternion, (possibly with setters/getters / proxy if needed)


properties are mean to make taging & reusing signficant aspects of a part easier
properties can now be considered a special type of data that is simply added as a child of a shape/part
thus they get transformed like any item in the scene graph in a normal manner (local vs parent transforms etc)

ie (pseudo code)

const myPart = {
  transform: [0, 0, 0, 0 , 1, 1, 1 ,0...] // transform relative to parent
  children: [
      name: 'somecoolstuff',
      transform: [0, 0, 0, 0 , 1, 1, 1 ,0...] // transform relative to parent

we could also keep properties as a special, explicit field:

const myPart = {
  transform: [0, 0, 0, 0 , 1, 1, 1 ,0...] // transform relative to parent
  properties: [
      name: 'somecoolstuff',
      transform: [0, 0, 0, 0 , 1, 1, 1 ,0...] // transform relative to parent



'mating points' to make attaching parts together in preset places easier


much like properties, connectors can just be considered a special type of data that is simply added as a child of a shape/part, with some additional orientation information thus they get transformed like any item in the scene graph in a normal manner (local vs parent transforms etc)

const myPart = {
  transform: [0, 0, 0, 0 , 1, 1, 1 ,0...] // transform relative to parent
  properties: [
      name: 'somecoolstuff',
      point: [0, 10, 10],// position relative to parent
      axis: [0, 1, 0],
      normal: [1, 0, 0],



metadata for parts, possible to be displayed within the 3D view somewhat related to measurements


much like properties and connectors, perhaps annotations can also just be considered a special type of data that is simply added as a child of a shape/part

2D shapes


  • path2: imperative api at odds with the rest ie const path = new Path2() path = path.appendArc(xxxx)


  • descriptive : data describes each path segment/ curve that makes up a complex 2D shape
  • seperation of concerns : data vs internal representation
    • we do not recompute the polygons everytime a different line segment or bezier curve is added
    • we describe : [point1, point2, handle1, handle2]
  • only distinction between a set of paths and a shape, is whether or not it is closed ?
  • not immediate triangulation
Curve types
  • line : start, end
  • arc : start, center, radius, startAngle, endAngle
  • quadratic bezier: start, controlPoint1, controlPoint2
  • cubic bezier: start, , controlPoint1, controlPoint2, end

implementation (description)

ie (pseudo code)

const myshape2 = {
  transform: [0, 0, 0, 0 , 1, 1, 1 ,0...]
  curves: [ // or pathSegments, or segments, or paths?
      points: [
        [0,0], [10, 100]// start at [0,0], go to [10, 100]
      points: [
        [10,100, 20, 17], [0, 0, 2, 36]// start at [10,100], go to [0, 0], by way of a bezier curve
      origin: [0,0], // ???? not sure, 
      radius: 20,
      start : 10,
      end: 90,


part : { geometry : // or other name ??? any nested tree of shapes & extrusions ? }


  • Eliminate 3d shapes completely ?

    • everything can be create from 2d shapes + transforms/extrusions?
  • More advanced features :

  • holes with countersinks or special shapes ?

  • could be implemented as a compound operation (combine multiple extrusions, unions etc)
  • this is an example of purely geometrical construct: makes no sense as part of a ...part
  • would not be a part of core ?
  • patterns: put objects in positions based on a mathematical formula

    • just a function really ? some presets perhaps ?
  • more heavy reliances on 2d shapes that get extruded ?

    • cylinders
    • cubes
    • torii
  • parts vs assemblies: looking at various 'ui based' cad systems, things are a bit different for us:

    • parts: functions
    • assemblies, instances of the various parts, structured together ?
    • returning arrays: returns all the assemblies that you can have ?
  • connectors:

    • should be easier to define : addConnector({point, normal, axis}, shape)
    • should be visualized
      • points, axis, normals should be easilly viewed & understood
    • should be offsetable
  • visuals that NEED to be added

  • connectors (see above)
  • perhaps we can visualize the 2D bases of extruded shapes (ie the circles at the top/ bottom of cylinders )
  • annotations (not sure)
  • dimensions (not right now, but could be usefull, they are a special type of annotations)

Various (2)

- negative shapes:
    - add a ‘negative’ flag at the shape (not geometry ) level, as this is signaling a higher level user intent
    - add a ‘combine’ operator that combines subtract & union? or just use union (preferred)
- mirror [0,0,0] should be a no-op that does not break anything
- display overlaps (bounding box & more if needed) to help debug possible issues
- placement/ align
- namespaces/groups for parameters ?
    - feed the PREVIOUS value of the dependencies into the getPArameterDefinitions function
    - reuse that to change the parameter definitions !!
    - yay !
- deal with combined CAG/CSG outputs for exports
- hull with no params should fails clearly
- square/rectangle : needs to also accept a single float as size param
- rotate should work with 1, 2, 3 length arrays
- distributeAlong (pathLike, distributor, shape)
    - pathLike: on what to distribute 
    - distributor: even, spaced, a function to set the distribution : implies ability to get evenly spaced points regardless of input path/curve
    - shape 
- distribute 
- throw errors when trying to do invalid operations between 2D & 3D shapes (booleans)
- help with 3D orientation: reuse grid numbering ?
- find ways to unify v-tree (decoupling of api vs implementation FOR GEOMETRY)
- review/refine the way v-tree deals with uncaching, and perhaps have a priority system for what to keep or not
- add possible DIN ids for non custom shapes
- user space is good ! users are numerous, smart, and know their use cases and specifics better !
    - examples: 
        - dimensioned drawings: (needs some very barebones core basics: non exported 2d/3d data
- simplify extraction of parameter definitions:
    - why is applyParameterDefinitions called multiple times ?
- ways to get a list of evenly spaced out points on a path (useful a LOT OF TIMES)
- ways to get the outline of a 2D shape as a path

## Code Archelogy

- for 2d shapes (CAG): FuzzyShape2Factory (used every time canonicalize() is called, ie A LOT)
lookupOrCreate() is called FOR EACH VERTEX but the results are discarded !! lots of calls for nothing
- 3d shape (CSG) 3d polygons have 'planes' but a lot of geometry primitives generate planes (normals) on the fly, not 


  • Planes: used a lot,

    • V1: had the following structure this.normal = normal this.w = w
    • V2: simply a vec4 : [x,y,z,w] xyzw are like xyzw = abcd from common written form of the plane equation
  • OrthoNormalBasis: mostly used to project back & forth between 2D & 3D *