protoapi Authentication
The authentication option definition is referenced by other protobuf files in protoapi_common.proto
. auth
is an option at the service level. The default is false
. When set to true
, all rpc under the service will support authentication. The protobuf file supports single file with multiple service. If necessary, please group the service according to the different authentication methods and whether it needs authentication. When the common_error
option is set, the auth method will return common_error
to the client when an error occurs.
syntax = "proto3";
package example;
option go_package = "go_example";
import "protoapi_common.proto";
message AppRequest {
string app_name = 1;
message AuthedAppRequest {
string app_name = 1;
message BizError {
string message = 1;
service AppAuthService {
option (common_error) = "CommonError";
option (auth) = true;
rpc getAuthedApp(AuthedAppRequest) returns (Empty) {
option (error) = "BizError";
service AppNoAuthService {
option (common_error) = "CommonError";
rpc getApp(AppRequest) returns (Empty) {
option (error) = "BizError";
If you use protoapi to generate the go echo code, the AppAuthService would look like this:
type AppAuthService interface {
AppAuthServiceAuth(c echo.Context) (err error)
getAuthedApp(c echo.Context, req *AppRequest) (resp *Empty, bizError *BizError, err error)
func _AppAuthServiceAuth_Handler(srv AppAuthService) echo.MiddlewareFunc {
return func(next echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
return func(c echo.Context) (err error) {
err = srv.AppAuthServiceAuth(c)
if err != nil {
return c.String(500, err.Error())
return next(c)
func _getAuthedApp_Handler(srv AppAuthService) echo.HandlerFunc {
return func(c echo.Context) (err error) {
// bind data
req := new(AppRequest)
if err = c.Bind(req); err != nil {
resp := CommonError{BindError: &BindError{err.Error()}}
return c.JSON(420, resp)
resp, bizError, err := srv.getAuthedApp(c, req)
if err != nil {
if e, ok := err.(*CommonError); ok {
return c.JSON(420, e)
return c.String(500, err.Error())
if bizError != nil {
return c.JSON(400, bizError)
return c.JSON(200, resp)
func RegisterAppAuthService(e *echo.Echo, srv AppService) {
RegisterAppAuthServiceWithPrefix(e, srv, "")
func RegisterAppAuthServiceWithPrefix(e *echo.Echo, srv AppAuthService, prefix string) {
// switch to strict JSONAPIBinder, if using echo's DefaultBinder
if _, ok := e.Binder.(*echo.DefaultBinder); ok {
e.Binder = new(protoapigo.JSONAPIBinder)
g := e.Group(prefix+"/AppService", _AppAuthServiceAuth_Handler(srv))
g.POST(".getAuthedApp", _getAuthedAppAuthService(srv))
In the implementation of the interface, user neeed to implement the AppAuthServiceAuth method, which is an authentication method. The parameter is echo.Context. You can store the necessary information in the context to facilitate subsequent API acquisition.