The target agent is the SCR interface to (shell) commands of the target system.
Target agent is attached to .target
path. See all available .target
commands below.
Target agent can be also invoked via WFM where it lives under .local
Difference between WFM .local
and SCR .target
is only after SCR switch,
which is used for example in installation, when .local
always work on
root /
and .target
work on SCR target.
Executes command in bash. Returns exit code of command. Arguments are command as string and optional map of environment variables.
Example in ruby that calls halt -p
exit_code = SCR.Execute(".target.bash"), "halt -p")
Executes command in bash. Returns map including "exit"
for exit code,
for command stdout and "stderr"
for command stderr. Arguments are
command as string and optional map of environment variables.
Example in ruby that creates temporary file and raises exception in case of failure.
result = Yast::SCR.Execute(".target.bash_output"), "mktemp")
if result["exit"] != 0
raise "Failed to create temporary file with #{result["stderr"]}"
file_path = result["stdout"]
Example in ruby passing ENV variable VERBOSE=1
result = Yast::SCR.Execute(".target.bash_output"), "mktemp", {"VERBOSE" => "1"})
Executes command in bash and pass string on stdin. Returns exit code. Arguments are command and string that is given to stdin.
Example in ruby that change password to pwd.
result = Yast::SCR.Execute(".target.bash_input"), "passwd", "pwd\npwd\n")
if result["exit"] != 0
raise "Failed to change password"
Executes command in bash in background. Returns zero if succeed and -1 if failed. Arguments are command as string and optional map of environment variables.
Example in ruby that does time consuming job.
result = Yast::SCR.Execute(".target.bash_background"), "sleep 1000000")
if result["exit"] != 0
raise "I cannot sleep. Do not disturb me!"
Creates symlink. Returns boolean depending on success. Arguments are two strings, one with source path and second with target one.
Example in ruby create symlink /tmp2
pointing to /tmp
result = Yast::SCR.Execute(".target.symlink"), "/tmp", "/tmp2")
raise "Creating symlink failed" unless result
Creates directory and all its parents. Returns boolean depending on success. Arguments are string with path and optional integer with mode. If mode is not specified, 0755 is used.
Example in ruby create directory /tmp/foo/bar
with mode 0700.
result = Yast::SCR.Execute(".target.mkdir"), "/tmp/foo/bar", 0700)
raise "Creating directory failed" unless result
Removes a file. Returns boolean depending on success. Argument is string with path to file. note: Cannot remove a directory
Example in ruby remove file /tmp/foo
result = Yast::SCR.Execute(".target.remove"), "/tmp/foo")
raise "Removing file failed" unless result
Mounts a (block) device at a mountpoint. Arguments are array with device, mountpoint strings and optional third element for logfile and optional options to pass to mount. note: Deprecated use bash agent directly to run mount
The return value is true or false, depending of the success
Example in ruby how to mount floppy.
result = Yast::SCR.Execute(".target.mount"),
["/dev/floppy", "/floppy", "/var/log/y2mountlog"],
"-t msdos"
raise "Mounting floppy failed" unless result
Unmounts a (block) device at a mountpoint. Argument is mountpoint note: Deprecated use bash agent directly to run umount
The return value is true or false, depending of the success
Example in ruby how to umount floppy.
result = Yast::SCR.Execute(".target.umount"), "/floppy")
raise "Unmounting floppy failed" unless result
Load module in target system. Arguments are module and options for it. note: Deprecated use bash agent directly to run insmod
The return value is true or false, depending of the success
Example in ruby how to insert module.
result = Yast::SCR.Execute(".target.insmod"), "a_module", "an option")
raise "Module insertion failed" unless result
Load module in target system. Arguments are module and options for it. note: Deprecated use bash agent directly to run modprobe
The return value is true or false, depending of the success
Example in ruby how to insert module.
result = Yast::SCR.Execute(".target.modprobe"), "a_module", "an option")
raise "Module insertion failed" unless result
Reads/writes file as a single string. Arguments for writing can have two types. The first is string filename and string value. The second one is array with string filename and integer filemode and string content. Arguments for reading is only string filename.
The return value fore reading is content of file or nil in case of failure. For writing it return true or false, depending of the success.
Example in ruby how to read file content.
content = Yast::SCR.Read(".target.string"), "/root/test")
raise "Reading file failed" unless content
Example in ruby how to write file without specified mode.
result = Yast::SCR.Write(".target.string"), "/root/test", "test content")
raise "Writing to file failed" unless result
Example in ruby how to write file with specified mode.
result = Yast::SCR.Write(".target.string"), ["/root/test", 0600], "test content")
raise "Writing to file failed" unless result
Reads/Writes programming data serialized as ycp to given file. Arguments for writing can have two types. The first is string filename and any value. The second one is array with string filename and integer filemode and any value. Arguments for reading is string filename and optional default value if file not found.
Reading for .yast2
have one speciality, that it search in y2path for data/filename.
The return value is data from file or nil if failed for reading and true or false, depending of the success, for writing.
Example in ruby how to read structure from file.
content = Yast::SCR.Read(".target.ycp"), "/root/test.ycp")
raise "Reading file failed" unless content
Example in ruby how to read structure from file relative to y2path with default value.
content = Yast::SCR.Read(".target.yast2"), "test.ycp", :missing)
Example in ruby how to write data.
data = { :a => "test" }
result = Yast::SCR.Write(".target.yast2"), "/root/test.ycp", data)
raise "Writing to file failed" unless result
Reads/Writes bytes as byteblock from/to given file. Arguments for writing are filename and byteblock. Argument for reading is filename.
Example in ruby how to read/write byteblock.
content = Yast::SCR.Read(".target.byte"), "/root/test")
raise "Reading byteblock failed" unless content
res = Yast::SCR.Write(".target.byte"), "/root/test2", content)
raise "Writing byteblock failed" unless res
Write-only command to set or modify the encrypted password of already existing user in /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow. Argument is crypted password. The return value is true or false, depending of the success
Example in ruby how to change root password.
content = Yast::SCR.Write(".target.passwd.root"), crypted_password)
raise "Changing root password failed" unless content
Read-only command to return the (instance specific) directory for storing temporary files. The directory (and its contents) will be removed by the SystemAgent destructor (usually when yast2 exits)
Example in ruby how to read tmpdir.
path = Yast::SCR.Read(".target.tmpdir"))
Read-only command to read a directory. Returns a list of strings, one string for each file contained in the directory path is pointing to. The entries '.' and '..' are NOT returned. Returns nil and doesn't log an error, if path does not point to a readable directory. If a default value is given, this is returned if path isn't accessible.
Arguments are string path and optional default value.
Example in ruby how to get list of files in directory.
files = Yast::SCR.Read(".target.dir"), "/etc/sysconfig/network")
raise "Reading directory content failed" unless files
Read-only command to read current size of file. Returns -1 if the file does not exist
Argument is string path to file.
Example in ruby how to get size of file.
file_size = Yast::SCR.Read(".target.size"), "/root/test")
Read-only command to return a map with file information (see stat(2)). If the file does not exist return an empty map.
Argument is string path to file.
Read-only command to return a map with file information (see lstat(2)). If the file does not exist return an empty map. Only difference to stat is that lstat does not follow link(s) and returns info about link itself
Argument is string path to file.
Read-only command to get the content of the symbolic link filename. If the filename does not exist or is not symbolic link, nil is returned and an error logged.
Argument is string path to symlink.