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File metadata and controls

600 lines (555 loc) · 65.6 KB


The list is built pointing to software that have alternatives with less dependencies, and addressing dependencies was the easy thing to do. One thing tho, some particular tools were included because they add less dependencies overall while keeping a system functional. One such example is imagemagick and ffmpeg, by which you can do a lot of work and replace many tools by just using those with scripts and replace something like a screenshot utility. TL;DR is about the unix principle and you can have a fully functional system pretty damn minimal with that.

Certainly it would be great to have a comparative on resource usage tho. Wanna help?


  2. Command Line
  3. Communication
    3.1. Desktop Client
  4. Decentralized Networking
  5. Desktop
  6. Disk Tools
  7. Emulation And Virtualization
  8. Enterprise
  9. File Utilities
  10. Filesharing
  11. Forensics
  12. Monitoring
    12.1. Benchmarking
    12.2. System Information
    12.3. System Monitoring
  13. Multimedia
    13.1. ASCii Art
    13.2. Audio
    13.3. Image
    13.4. Metadata
    13.5. Video
  14. Network Setup
  15. Office
  16. Package Management
  17. Pentesting
    17.1. Exploitables
    17.2. Network Scanner
    17.3. Network Tampering
    17.4. Password Cracking
    17.5. Vulnerability Scanner
  18. Privacy
  19. Programming
  20. Remote Access
  21. Science And Engineering
  22. Security
    22.1. Containment
    22.2. Honeypots
    22.3. Host Intrusion
    22.4. Network Intrusion
  23. Server
    23.1. Server Authentication
  24. System Tools


Most apps are from F-Droid, we are just starting.

Command Line


Desktop Client

Decentralized Networking


  • Application Launcher: rofi -> ratmenu -> dmenu
  • Boot Screen: Plymouth -> Splashy -> Fbsplash -> <BOOTLOADERS>
  • Clipboard: CopyQ -> clipmenu -> snippy -> xclip / XSel
  • Compositing Window Manager: Compiz -> Compton -> Xcompmgr
  • Cursor: keynav, GPM
  • Desktop Character: Kawari + Ninix-aya (for Ukagaka) -> Gnome KiSS -> Oneko -> xevilteddy -> Xteddy
  • Display Color Temperature: Redshift -> sct
  • Display Settings: DDCcontrol, xrandr
  • Graphical Settings: Wpgtk -> LxAppearance -> GSettings -> xsettings
  • Keybinding: Xbindkeys -> sxhkd -> loadkeys (+ keymaps)
  • Keyboard Layout: XKB -> xmodmap -> loadkeys (+ keymaps)
  • Login Manager: SLiM -> Qingy
  • Macro Recorder: Autokey -> Sikuli -> Easystroke -> xdotool -> GNU Xnee
  • Nested Display: Xephyr -> Xnest
  • Notification Daemon: dunst -> slstatus
  • Notification Server: Libcanberra + Libnotify -> xmessage
  • Panel: Avant Window Navigator -> Global Menu -> Tint2
  • Screensaver: XScreenSaver -> XLockmore -> i3lock -> sxlock -> slock
  • Status Bar Client: Dzen -> bevelbar -> Lemonbar
  • Status Bar Server: monky -> i3status
  • Animated Wallpaper Changer: Xphoon, xfireworks, Xsnow, xmountains, Xplanet, ImageMagick (animate)
  • Still Wallpaper Changer: FEH -> hsetroot -> imagemagick (but use 10MB more RAM than the others)
  • Terminal As Wallpaper: root-tail -> xrootconsole
  • Video Wallpaper Changer: mpv -> VLC (nvlc) -> MPlayer
  • Window Manager: FVWM (+ FvwmTabs and 4dwm theme) -> IceWM -> i3 -> s3d (+ s3dfm, it's a 3D desktop!) -> Amiwm -> MWM -> Ratpoison -> dwm (+ dwmstatus) -> FrankenWM -> TinyWM -> Twin -> VWM
  • Window Manipulation: QuickTile -> wmctrl -> wmutils
  • Worskpace Pager: 3D-Desktop -> Skippy-XD
  • X Event Display: xprop -> xwininfo -> xev

Disk Tools

  • CD-DVD Burn and Copy (Backends): cdrtools -> cdrkit -> cdrskin
  • CD-DVD Burn and Copy (Frontends): K3b -> Brasero -> cdw
  • CD-DVD Ripping: Sound Juicer -> fre ac -> cdparanoia (+ ABCDE)
  • Custom Install CD: Respin -> Remastersys -> Distroshare -> PinguyBuilder -> Customizer -> Ubuntu Customization Kit -> Mklivecd
  • Device Management: Udisks (+ udevil) -> pmount -> bashmount
  • Disk Cloning and Writing: dd -> dcfldd -> dc3dd
  • Live USB: UNetbootin -> MultiCD
  • Partitioning: Gparted -> cfdisk -> GNU Parted -> fdisk / sfdisk
  • System Backup: Systemback -> Bacula -> FSArchiver -> CYA

Emulation And Virtualization


File Utilities



  • Application Profiling: Valgrind (+ Callgrind)
  • Data Recovery: dvdisaster -> TestDisk (PhotoRec) -> ddrescue
  • Debugger: DDD -> CGDB -> GDB
  • Virtual Memory Debugger: scanmem & Gameconqueror -> varedit
  • Java Debugger: VisualVM
  • Browser Debugger: Firebug
  • Forensic Analysis Framework: The Sleuth Kit -> DFF -> Radare
  • Hex Editors: HT Editor -> dhex
  • Sandbox: Cuckoo Sandbox
  • Steganalysis: Virtual Steganographic Laboratory -> Stegdetect



System Information

System Monitoring


ASCii Art

  • ANSI Drawing: SHPaint -> MysticDraw
  • ANSi Viewer: ANSiMat
  • ASCii Animation: blessed -> Durdraw -> drawille
  • ASCii Banner: shellpic -> TOIlet -> FIGlet -> sysvbanner
  • ASCii Drawing: JavE -> Aewan -> CAVE WALL -> textdraw
  • ASCii Presentations: wopr -> blessed-contrib
  • Image to ASCii: jp2a
  • Video to ASCii: libcaca -> AAlib



  • Bitmaps to Vector Conversion: AutoTrace -> Potrace
  • Diagram Editor: Pencil Project -> Dia -> Graphviz
  • Bitmap Graphics Digital Drawing: Krita -> MyPaint -> XPaint -> GrafX2 / uberpaint
  • Coloring Digital Drawing: STYLE2PAINTS
  • Fonts Digital Drawing: FontForge
  • Vector Digital Drawing: Inkscape -> Xfig
  • Image Editing: RawTherapee -> darktable -> Gimp + G'MIC -> ImageMagick (display, import)
  • Image Optimizing: OptiPNG -> pngcrush -> pngquant
  • Image Viewer: Feh -> sxiv -> display (ImageMagick) -> fim / fbi (fbida)
  • Plotting: Gnuplot -> PLplot
  • Screenshots: Shutter -> scrot -> maim -> import (ImageMagick) -> fbcat (FBGrab)



  • Compositing: CinePaint -> Natron
  • Datamoshing: Autodatamosh
  • 2D Digital Animation: Synfig -> OpenToonz
  • 3D Digital Animation: Blender
  • Screencasting: Open Broadcaster Studio -> SimpleScreenRecorder -> FFmpeg -> ttyrec (+ seq2gif)
  • Video Editing: Kdenlive -> Cinelerra-cv -> OpenShot -> Melt -> AvxSynth -> FFmpeg
  • Video Player: MPV -> nvlc (VLC) -> MPlayer
  • Video to gif: Video2Gif -> convert (ImageMagick) -> FFmpeg
  • Video Transcoding: HandBrake -> WinFF -> FFmpeg

Network Setup


Package Management



Network Scanner

Network Tampering

Password Cracking

Vulnerability Scanner



Remote Access

  • Configuration Management: Puppet -> CFEngine -> cdist
  • Control Panel: Webmin
  • Diskless Booting: iPXE -> netboot
  • PC-Mobile Connection: KDE Connect -> Wammu -> BitPim -> AndroidTools
  • Remote Desktop Client: rdesktop -> Remmina -> fbvnc
  • Remote Desktop Server: xrdp
  • Remote Execution: pconsole -> DSH
  • Remote File Manager: KodExplorer
  • Remote Login: Mosh -> OpenSSH -> lsh
  • Remote X Apps: Xpra > X11 forwarding
  • Reverse Shell: icmpsh -> RevSh
  • Serial Console: Minicom -> Picocom -> Qodem / GNU Screen
  • Server Provisioning: FAI
  • Wake-on-LAN: wakeonlan

Science And Engineering




Host Intrusion

Network Intrusion

  • Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) Block and Circumvention: zapret
  • Firewall: gufw -> ufw -> iptables (+ ipset) -> nftables
  • Man-In-The-Middle (MITM) Detection: ArpON, Arpalert
  • Network Intrusion Detection: Snort -> Suricata
  • Network Intrusion Prevention: Fail2ban -> Sshguard


Server Authentication

System Tools