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Food delivery REST API

This app allows people to order groceries online


Firstly, create virtual environment.

python3 -m venv venv

Then activate it.
For Windows:


For Linux or MacOS:

source venv/bin/activate

Install requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt

Telegram bot

This project has it's own telegram bot to communicate with delivery men.
It has 4 commands:

name description
/start Sends a welcome message to courier with ID
This ID should be sent to a manager
/start_day A command to start a working day
After pressing this button, courier will start
getting messages with new orders
/end_day A command to finish a working day
After pressing this button, courier will finish
getting messages with new orders
/end_order Pressing this button means that courier has
finished a delivery and he or she is ready
to get messages with new orders

Creating a telegram bot for the project

You can create a telegram bot using BotFather
After creating it, BotFather should return you a token for your future tg bot

Variable environment

Create .env file for variable environment in main directory
Add in .env file next variables:

  • SECRET_KEY - random secret key for your project (str)
  • DEBUG - 'True' if you want to use your project in Debug Mode, else 'False' (bool)
  • TOKEN - telegram bot token, that you got from BotFather (str)
  • ADMIN_ID - telegram chat id with admin, bot will send it to you after running it, for now you can put 12345 (int)
  • Migations

    Don't forget to migrate the project

    python3 makemigrations
    python3 migrate

    Running the project

    The last step: running it all

    python3 runserver
    python3 runbot


    Now you can use the project! Here are commands for REST API:

    For all users:

    name type description
    /auth/login/ POST sends a token to an existing user
    /auth/register/ POST signs up a new user and sends a token to them
    /core/categories/ GET shows categories of items
    /core/categories/{id}/ GET detail information about category
    /core/categories/{id}/items/ GET shows items in a chosen category
    /core/items/ GET shows all items (only items in stock)
    /core/items/{id} GET detail information about item (only items in stock)

    For authenticated users:

    name type description
    /auth/user/ GET shows detail information about user
    /auth/user/ PUT, PATCH updates detail information about user
    /orders/user_finished_orders/ GET shows all user's finished orders
    /orders/user_finished_orders/{id} GET detail information about finished order
    /orders/user_orders/ GET shows all user's not finished orders
    /orders/user_orders/ POST creates a new order of user
    /orders/user_orders/{id} GET detail information about not finished order
    /orders/user_orders/{id} PUT, PATCH update detail information about not finished order
    /orders/user_orders/{id} DELETE delete not completed order
    /orders/user_orders/{id}/to_order/ PATCH marks order as completed,
    sends an information about order to one of couriers

    For admin users:

    name type description
    /auth/user_list/ GET shows all users
    /core/admin_categories/ POST creates a new category
    /core/admin_categories/{id} PUT, PATCH updates a category
    /core/admin_categories/ DELETE deletes a category
    /core/admin_items/ GET shows all items
    (including items out of stock)
    /core/admin_items/ POST creates a new item
    /core/admin_items/{id} GET detail information about item
    (including items out of stock)
    /core/admin_items/ PUT, PATCH updates an item
    /core/admin_items/ DELETE deletes an item
    /core/admin_items/{id}/set_in_stock/ PATCH marks item as 'in stock'
    /core/admin_items/{id}/unset_in_stock/ PATCH unmarks item as 'in stock'
    /employees/couriers/ GET shows all delivery men
    /employees/couriers/ POST registers a new delivery man
    /employees/couriers/{id} GET detail information about a delivery man
    /employees/couriers/{id} PUT, PATCH updates information about a delivery man
    /employees/couriers/{id} DELETE deletes a delivery man
    /orders/all_orders/ GET shows all orders
    /orders/all_orders/{id} GET shows detail information about an order