Powerline for Bash in pure Bash script.
- Git branch: display current git branch name, or short SHA1 hash when the head is detached
- Git branch: display "+" symbol when current branch is changed but uncommited
- Git branch: display "⇡" symbol and the difference in the number of commits when the current branch is ahead of remote (see screenshot)
- Git branch: display "⇣" symbol and the difference in the number of commits when the current branch is behind of remote (see screenshot)
- Platform-dependent prompt symbol for OS X and Linux (see screenshots)
- Supports python virtualenv
- Color code for the previously failed command
- Fast execution (no noticable delay)
- No need for patched fonts
Download the Bash script
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/riobard/bash-powerline/master/bash-powerline.sh > ~/.bash-powerline.sh
And source it in your .bashrc
source ~/.bash-powerline.sh
For best result, use Solarized colorscheme for your terminal emulator. Or hack your own colorscheme by modifying the script. It's really easy.
This script is largely inspired by powerline-shell. The biggest problem is that it is implemented in Python. Python scripts are much easier to write and maintain than Bash scripts, but for my simple cases I find Bash scripts to be manageable. However, invoking the Python interpreter each time to draw the shell prompt introduces a noticable delay. I hate delays. So I decided to port just the functionalities I need to pure Bash script instead.
The other issue is that I don't like the idea of requiring patched fonts for this to work. The font patching mechanism from the original Powerline does not work with the bitmap font (Apple Monaco without anti-aliasing) I use on non-retina screens. I'd rather stick with existing unicode symbols in the fonts.
- powerline: Unified Powerline written in Python. This is the future of all Powerline derivatives.
- vim-powerline: Powerline in Vim writtien in pure Vimscript. Deprecated.
- tmux-powerline: Powerline for Tmux written in Bash script. Deprecated.
- powerline-shell: Powerline for Bash/Zsh/Fish implemented in Python. Might be merged into the unified Powerline.
- emacs powerline: Powerline for Emacs