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TypeScript port of VGAudio's HCA codec

Thanks to HCADecoder

Decrypt & decode hca(2.0) file in browser.


  • HCA 2.0
  • HCA 1.3
  • a/b Keys
  • decrypt
  • decode
  • wave mode (8/16/24/32/float)
  • loop
  • volume
  • encode
  • encrypt
  • recode (ogg/aac/mp3/flac)



Standalone version (can be saved for offline use): hca-standalone.html

Raw APIs

Generally not recommended: when called in the foreground main thread, raw APIs block the main thread for significant time (1000-1200ms for an 1.3MB HCA file being decrypted and decoded)

Generally HCAWorker APIs below are recommended.

Static raw APIs

Static methods can be directly called without creating an instance, like:

let decryptedHca = HCA.decrypt(hca, "defaultkey");
let wav = HCA.decode(decryptedHca);

HCA.decrypt(hca: Uint8Array, key1?: any, key2?: any): Uint8Array

HCA.encrypt(hca: Uint8Array, key1?: any, key2?: any): Uint8Array

Decrypt/encrypt & return the whole HCA file in-place with specified keys - in other words, if you don't want the input HCA to be overwritten, you must pass in something like hca.slice(0), which makes a new copy in a newly allocated buffer.

  • key1 is not optional.

    1. If key2 is not given, it defaults to zero.

    2. If key1 is "nokey" or "defaultkey", key2 is then ignored. Setting key1 to "nokey" means the encryption/decryption should be done in "no key" mode. Setting key1 to "defaultkey" means the hard-coded default keys (allegedly for Magia Record) should be used for encryption/decryption.

  • Already-encrypted HCA cannot be directly re-encrypted. You may check whether an HCA is already encrypted with something like:

    let info = new HCAInfo(hca);
    let isAlreadyEncrypted = info.hasHeader["ciph"] && info.cipher != 0;

    ...or just decrypt it before re-encrypting, because decrypting an already-unencrypted HCA is okay.

  • Unencrypted HCA which lacks ciph header section cannot be directly encrypted. See HCAInfo.addCipherHeader below.

  • Checksums will be verified in the process, and Error will be thrown on any mismatch.

HCA.decode(hca: Uint8Array, mode = 32, loop = 0, volume = 1.0): Uint8Array

Return decoded (Windows PCM) WAV of the input whole HCA file. The input HCA must be unencrypted, otherwise Error will be thrown.

  • mode argument

    mode is optional, by default it's set to 32. Valid mode values includes:

    • 0

      32-bit float PCM mode

    • 8/16/24/32

      8/16/24/32-bit integer PCM mode

      Note: according to the standard, only 8-bit mode uses unsigned integer, while modes with more bits (like 16-bit) use signed integer.

  • loop argument

    HCA make use of loop header section to record which part of the audio should be looped, for how many times.

    loop argument is optional, and it is meaningful only if the input HCA has loop header. loop simply indicates how many times the looped part of audio should be inserted. For example, with loop set to 2, the resulting WAV audio will be like:

    Beginning part Looped part 1st inserted Looped part 2nd inserted Looped part Ending part

    Setting loop argument to 0 indicates the output WAV will just contain the decoded audio from the beginning to the end, without any looped part inserted, like:

    Beginning part Originally supposed looped part Ending part
  • Checksums will be verified in the process, and Error will be thrown on any mismatch.

HCA.fixChecksum(hca: Uint8Array): Uint8Array

  • Set checksums of HCA header and all blocks to recalculated actual value, in-place. Pass in something like hca.slice(0) if you don't want the input HCA to be overwritten.

  • Return the modifed HCA.

HCAInfo.addCipherHeader(hca: Uint8Array, cipherType?: number): Uint8Array

  • Return a new HCA in a newly allocated buffer which is the input HCA with a newly added ciph header section.

  • There might be some HCA files which lacks ciph header section. Since HCA.encrypt is supposed to be in-place, combining with the fact that the size of ArrayBuffer in JavaScript cannot be adjusted, you must manually add the ciph header section back before encrypting it.

  • Throw Error if an existing ciph header section is already present. Please check it with something like new HCAInfo(hca).hasHeader["ciph"] first.

HCAInfo.addHeader(hca: Uint8Array, sig: string, newData: Uint8Array): Uint8Array

  • Return a new HCA in a newly allocated buffer, which is the input HCA with newly added header section. The newly added header section has specified sig and newData.

  • Just like above, Throw Error if an existing header section is already present. Please check it with new HCAInfo(hca).hasHeader[SIG] first.

HCAInfo.fixHeaderChecksum(hca: Uint8Array): Uint8Array

  • Set the checksum of HCA header to recalculated actual value, in-place. Pass in something like hca.slice(0) if you don't want the input HCA to be overwritten.

  • Return the modifed HCA.

Non-static raw APIs

Non-static methods can only be called after creating an instance, like:

let hcaInfoInstance = new HCAInfo(hca);
let hasCiphHeader = hcaInfoInstance.hasHeader["ciph"];

new HCAInfo(hca: Uint8Array, changeMask: boolean = false, encrypt: boolean = false)

  • Return an HCAInfo instance (referred as hcaInfoInstance below) which contains various information parsed from HCA headers.

  • It's observed that in encrypted HCAs, header section sigs like HCA, fmt, ciph etc are OR'ed with 0x80 (in other words, masked/unmasked), which should be a kind of disguise/obfusication. When changeMask is set to true, the input HCA will be overwritten, with each byte of its header sigs:

    1. OR'ed with 0x80(if encrypt is set to true);

    2. AND'ed with 0x7F (if encrypt is set to false).

  • Otherwise (when changeMask is set to false or omitted), the input HCA won't be changed.

  • Throw Error if the input hca buffer has inconsistent checksum of its header, or just doesn't actually contains valid HCA data - however, this is determined by very rough method.;

hcaInfoInstance.hasHeader[SIG]: boolean

  • Indicates whether specified header SIG (like "fmt", "loop" etc) exists, true if exists, othewrise (typically undefined) if not.

hcaInfoInstance.modify(hca: Uint8Array, sig: string, newData: Uint8Array): void

  • Modify header section of specified hca in-place according to specified sig and newData.

  • Nothing will be returned.

hcaInfoInstance.clone(): HCAInfo

  • Returns a clone/copy of existing hcaInfoInstance.

Web Worker APIs

Web Worker APIs are generally recommended because they do the computational job in a background Worker thread, which won't block the foreground main thread.

For example, you may decrypt & decode a HCA (as Uint8Array) like:

async function decryptAndDecode(hca) {
    const hcaUrl = new URL("hca.js", document.baseURI);
    let worker = await HCAWorker.create(hcaUrl);
    let decrypted = await worker.decrypt(hca.slice(0), "defaultkey");
    let wav = await worker.decode(decrypted, 16);
    await worker.shutdown();
    return wav;

async HCAWorker.create(selfUrl: URL | string): Promise<HCAWorker>

  • Return a new HCAWorker instance (referred as hcaWorkerInstance below), which is generally used in main thread to control a Worker running hca.js, so that computational jobs can be done in background without blocking the foreground main thread.

  • selfUrl should be the URL of hca.js itself.

async hcaWorkerInstance.fixHeaderChecksum(hca: Uint8Array): Promise<Uint8Array>

async hcaWorkerInstance.fixChecksum(hca: Uint8Array): Promise<Uint8Array>

async hcaWorkerInstance.addCipherHeader(hca: Uint8Array, cipherType?: number): Promise<Uint8Array>

async hcaWorkerInstance.addHeader(hca: Uint8Array, sig: string, newData: Uint8Array): Promise<Uint8Array>

async hcaWorkerInstance.decrypt(hca: Uint8Array, key1?: any, key2?: any): Promise<Uint8Array>

async hcaWorkerInstance.encrypt(hca: Uint8Array, key1?: any, key2?: any): Promise<Uint8Array>

async hcaWorkerInstance.decode(hca: Uint8Array, mode = 32, loop = 0, volume = 1.0): Promise<Uint8Array>

async hcaWorkerInstance.tick(): Promise<void>

async hcaWorkerInstance.tock(text = ""): Promise<number>

  • Measure how long a command being executed by the Worker controlled by hcaWorkerInstance takes.

  • Generally, tick() should be called right before the command(s) to be measured, and tock() should be called after it(them).

  • tick() marks the time when something starts, returning nothing; tock() logs (in the console) and returns how many milliseconds (ms) has elapsed since last tick().

  • text is optional, which will be included in console output.

  • Watch out for the characteristics of async calls. tick()/tock() should be used like:

    let wavPromise = hcaWorkerInstance.decode(hca, "defaultkey");
    let wav = await wavPromise;

    The following incorrect usage may result in incorrect tock() measuring results, because tock() command won't be sent to the Worker until decode() returns, in the meantime another tick() call may change the last tick time:

    await hcaWorkerInstance.tick();
    let wav = await hcaWorkerInstance.decode(hca, "defaultkey");
    await hcaWorkerInstance.tock();

async hcaWorkerInstance.shutdown(): Promise<void>

  • Gracefully shut down the Worker controlled by hcaWorkerInstance.

  • Return nothing.

  • Once shut down, the hcaWorkerInstance will throw Error when its methods are still called. You may set hcaWorkerInstance = null after shutting it down.

async hcaWorkerInstance.configTransfer(transferArgs: boolean, replyArgs: boolean): Promise<void>

  • Enable or disable using transferable objects when communicating between foreground main thread and background workers. Transfering is generally much more fast if data size is large because of zero-copy.

  • Once transferArgs is set to true, arguments (like a HCA file in the form of Uint8Array TypedArray) passed (from the foreground main thread) to hcaWorkerInstance will no longer be accessible (in the foreground main thread)!

  • replyArgs controls whether the callee/receiver (usually, but not always, the background worker) should send back the arguments originally passed in - turning this off is supposed to save a little time/overhead. Note that replying arguments always uses transfering.

  • Return nothing.

async getTransferConfig(): Promise<{transferArgs: boolean, replyArgs: boolean}>

  • Return the transferArgs, replyArgs config parameters described above.

The following APIs have been removed:

  • new HCA(key1, key2) Init HCA decoder with key
  • HCA.load(hca: Uint8Array) Load and decrypt hca file
  • HCA.decode(hca: Uint8Array): Uint8Array Decrode a decrypted hca file and return wave file