tip: 306
title: Adapt to solidity_0.8.4
author: [email protected]
status: Last Call
type: Standards Track
category: VM
created: 2021-07-29
Adapt to solidity_0.8.4.
Solidity_0.8.4 supports custom errors via the error
keyword and introduce the revert
statement. To adapt to solidity_0.8.4 we need add Error
type in java-tron smart contract ABI.
To adapt to solidity_0.8.4 we need add Error
type in java-tron smart contract ABI.
Add Error = 6
EntryType in message ABI in smart_contract.proto file.
message ABI {
message Entry {
enum EntryType {
UnknownEntryType = 0;
Constructor = 1;
Function = 2;
Event = 3;
Fallback = 4;
Receive = 5;
Error = 6;
message Param {
bool indexed = 1;
string name = 2;
string type = 3;
enum StateMutabilityType {
UnknownMutabilityType = 0;
Pure = 1;
View = 2;
Nonpayable = 3;
Payable = 4;
bool anonymous = 1;
bool constant = 2;
string name = 3;
repeated Param inputs = 4;
repeated Param outputs = 5;
EntryType type = 6;
bool payable = 7;
StateMutabilityType stateMutability = 8;
repeated Entry entrys = 1;