It's not uncommon to want to integrate scanservjs with other software - you may wish to upload scans to Dropbox, paperless-ng or some other location. The possibilities are endless but deep integration into the UI would add cruft for the vast majority of users.
Thankfully, the files just end up in a location on your filesystem so you are free to integrate however you want.
The recommended way is to create a script or program which scans the output directory for files and then does something with them.
This discussion about paperless-ng resulted in scantopl
You could integrate with Dropbox using Dropbox-Uploader
Use your scanner's hardware 'Scan' button to initiate a new scan via
. Requires a scanner that exposes buttons as sensors and curl
This recipe covers all major cloud providers such as Amazon, Dropbox, Google (Drive/Photos), Microsoft (Azure Blob Storage, OneDrive), Nextcloud (via WebDav), a network share of your choice (S/FTP) and many more by using Rclone.
- Install Rclone as described here
- Configure your Cloud Provider or Remote accordingly, for example Nextcloud via Webdav or Google Drive
Now you have a choice. If you want the update to occur on the scan itself then you need to integrate into the pipeline. Alternatively, sync the output directory itself and use either inotify or cron. If you want to embed into the pipeline then something like the following may help:
extension: 'pdf',
description: 'PDF | Scan2Cloud ⇒ Your_Configured_Provider_or_Remote ',
get commands() {
return [
'convert @- -quality 92 tmp-%04d.jpg && ls tmp-*.jpg',
'convert @- pdf:-',
`rclone copy *.pdf YOUR_PROVIDER:/path/to/folder`,
'ls scan_*.*'
- Setup and configure msmtp and msmtp-mta as described here
- Install the MIME packer mpack with
sudo apt install mpack
to send the scanned files - Setup OCRmyPDF as described here
Now create the following pipeline in your config/config.local.js
extension: 'pdf',
description: 'ocrmypdf (Scan2Mail [email protected])',
get commands() {
return [
'convert @- -quality 92 tmp-%04d.jpg && ls tmp-*.jpg',
'convert @- pdf:-',
`file="scan_$(date +"%d_%m_%Y-%H_%M").pdf" && ocrmypdf -l ${config.ocrLanguage} --deskew --rotate-pages --force-ocr - "$file" && mpack -s "Document from Scanner@Office" "$file" [email protected]`,
'ls scan_*.*'
The important Scan2Mail
line is:
file="scan_$(date +"%d_%m_%Y-%H_%M").pdf" && ocrmypdf -l ${config.ocrLanguage} --deskew --rotate-pages --force-ocr - "$file" && mpack -s "Document from Scanner@Office" "$file" [email protected]
This sets a time-based filename, then OCRs and finally sends to [email protected]
If you have other recipes then please share them.