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File metadata and controls

265 lines (224 loc) · 7.57 KB

Configuration overrides

Sometimes scanners don't return quite what you want them to. Likewise, perhaps scanservjs doesn't provide the defaults you want. Furtunately it's possible to override most things you might want to.

The two things you can modify are:

  • config: These are the global settings which include things like:
    • Server port
    • Log level
    • Preview resolution
    • Output filename
    • Pipelines (output format)
  • devices: The device definitions which are reported by SANE which include scanner dimensions and geometry, modes, resolutions and sources.

TL;DR; copy ./config/config.default.js to config/config.local.js, override the sections you want and then restart the app sudo systemctl restart scanservjs.service

If you are using docker, then you will want to map the configuration directory e.g. -v /my/local/path:/app/config.

How it works

scanservjs looks for a file called config/config.local.js and attempts to call two functions at different stages in the processing:

  • afterConfig(config): whenever a config is read, the result is passed to this function before being either used or sent down to the browser.
  • afterDevices(devices): whenever the devices are read, the result is passed to this function before being used.
  • See example source for more options.
  • Please note that the config file only gets read at start-up - so if you make changes, you will need to restart.

Example file

module.exports = {
   * @param {Configuration} config 
  afterConfig(config) {
    // Set default preview resolution
    config.previewResolution = 150;

    // Add a custom print pipeline
      extension: 'pdf',
      description: 'Print PDF',
      commands: [
        'convert @- -quality 92 tmp-%04d.jpg && ls tmp-*.jpg',
        'convert @- scan-0000.pdf',
        'lp -d MY_PRINTER scan-0000.pdf',
        'ls scan-*.*'

   * @param {ScanDevice[]} devices 
  afterDevices(devices) {
    // Override the defaults for plustek scanners
      .filter(d =>'plustek'))
      .forEach(device => {
        device.features['--mode'].default = 'Color';
        device.features['--resolution'].default = 150;
        device.features['--resolution'].options = [75, 150, 300, 600];
        device.features['--brightness'].default = 0;
        device.features['--contrast'].default = 5;
        device.features['-x'].default = 215;
        device.features['-y'].default = 297;  


Override default width, height and resolution

You have an old Canon flatbed but it returns daft default values for width and height. You also want to change the default resolution and limit the resolution options.

   * @param {ScanDevice[]} devices 
  afterDevices(devices) {
    // Override the defaults for plustek scanners
      .filter(d =>'plustek'))
      .forEach(device => {
        device.features['--resolution'].default = 150;
        device.features['--resolution'].options = [75, 150, 300, 600];
        device.features['-x'].default = 215;
        device.features['-y'].default = 297;

Override scanner dimensions

Some scanners (I'm looking at you, Brother) report their dimensions incorrectly. This throws off the cropping logic because scanservjs incorrectly trusts the SANE output.

  afterDevices(devices) {
      .filter(d =>'brother'))
      .forEach(device => {
        device.features['-l'].limits = [0, 215];
        device.features['-t'].limits = [0, 297];
        device.features['-x'].default = 215;
        device.features['-x'].limits = [0, 215];
        device.features['-y'].default = 297;
        device.features['-y'].limits = [0, 297];

Friendly device name

If you have many scanners available then you may wish to give devices friendly names as per #212. {ScanDevice} objects have a name attribute which defaults to the id but can be anything you want it to be. You just need to override it.

  afterDevices(devices) {
    const deviceNames = {
      'plustek:libusb:001:003': 'Downstairs Canon Flatbed',
      'test:device:unreal': 'Upstairs Canon MFD'

      .filter(d => in deviceNames)
      .forEach(d => = deviceNames[]);

Insert your own pipelines

You may wish to add your own custom pipelines. Pipelines are arrays of shell commands which run after scans. To learn more read the example source. This will insert your own pipelines at the top of the list.

  afterConfig(config) {
    const pipelines = [
        extension: 'jpg',
        description: 'TEST PIPELINE | Terrible quality',
        commands: [
          'convert @- -quality 20 scan-%04d.jpg',
          'ls scan-*.*'
        extension: 'jpg',
        description: 'TEST PIPELINE 2 | Silly quality',
        commands: [
          'convert @- -quality 99 scan-%04d.jpg',
          'ls scan-*.*'

    config.pipelines.splice(0, 0, ...pipelines);

Pipeline using "ocrmypdf"

ocrmypdf is a tool which deskews crooked scans, automatically fixes incorrectly rotated pages and performs OCR with tesseract. It needs to be installed separately, see the official instructions.

Then, add the following pipeline:

    extension: 'pdf',
    description: 'ocrmypdf (JPG | @:pipeline.high-quality)',
    get commands() {
      return [
        'convert @- -quality 92 tmp-%04d.jpg && ls tmp-*.jpg',
        'convert @- pdf:-',
        `ocrmypdf -l ${config.ocrLanguage} --deskew --rotate-pages - scan_0000.pdf`,
        'ls scan_*.*'

Change the log level and default scan filename

const dayjs = require('dayjs');
module.exports = {
  afterConfig(config) {
    config.filename = () => {
      return `my_filestem_${dayjs().format('DD-MM-YYYY HH-mm-ss')}`;

    config.log.level = 'DEBUG';

Change default output directory

Exercise caution with this recipe - the app is designed not to allow unsafe paths by default. If you are happy to disable this check, then go ahead.

module.exports = {
  afterConfig(config) {
    // Set your path here
    config.outputDirectory = '/home/me/scanned';

    // By default paths with `..` or `/` are not allowed
    config.allowUnsafePaths = true;

Only show ISO paper sizes

You can use a filter to include only the paper sizes you want. To only show ISO sizes do something like the following. You can obviously extend or reverse the filter as required.

module.exports = {
  afterConfig(config) {
    config.paperSizes = config.paperSizes.filter(p => /[AB]\d/.test(;

Add custom scanimage command line options

Some scanners need additional arguments for scanimage to behave. It's possible to set them in the config using the scanimageAdditionalArguments key. This is a dictionary of key value pairs which will be applied as arguments.

For the linked issue, the solution is to add:

module.exports = {
  afterConfig(config) {
    config.scanimageAdditionalArguments = {
      '--page-height': 297