I am now a Ph.D. candidate at Shanghai Jiao Tong university, adversed by Prof. Hongkai Xiong, Prof. Chenglin Li, and Prof. Wenrui Dai.
-Ph.D. in Information and Communication Engineering Sep. 2017 - Present Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), Shanghai, China.
Advisor: Prof. Hongkai Xiong (Yangtze River Scholar Distinguished Professor)
B.Eng. in Communication Engineering Sep. 2013-Jul. 2017
Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU), Xi’an, Shaanxi, China Rank:1/68
Excellent Graduate Award of Northwestern Polytechnical University
-Graph signal processing
Graph neural networks
Graph representation learning
Point cloud processing
traffic flow forecasting
-Accurate Long Term Prediction in Traffic Networks, SJTU- Huawei 2019.
This is a three years’ project, our lab collaborates with Huawei and helps them to solve some key problems related to their ongoing projects. I was an intern in Huawei from March 2019 to September 2019, helping them to develop an effective long term prediction model for traffic networks, which is the fundamental part of their Intelligent Transportation System Project.
-Excellent Graduate Award of Northwestern Polytechnical University
China National Scholarship
Excellence Scholarship of Northwestern Polytechnical University
Meritorious Winner of Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM &ICM) 2016 Huawei Special Scholarship 2015 First Prize of China Robot Competition 2015 First Prize in Shaanxi’ Division of National Mathematical Contest in Modeling 2015
-Reviewer for Signal Processing: Image Communication, Pattern Recognition, Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, NeurIPS, ICIP, ICASSP
TA for Wavelets and Sparse Signal Processing in 2019
Volunteer for the 9th International Conference on Image and Graphics
I am now a Ph.D. candidate at Shanghai Jiao Tong university, advised by Prof. Hongkai Xiong, Prof. Chenglin Li, and Prof. Wenrui Dai.
Ph.D. in Information and Communication Engineering Sep. 2017 - Present.
Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), Shanghai, China.
Advisor: Prof. Hongkai Xiong (Yangtze River Scholar Distinguished Professor).
+B.Eng. in Communication Engineering Sep. 2013-Jul. 2017.
Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU), Xi’an, Shaanxi, China Rank:1/68.
Excellent Graduate Award of Northwestern Polytechnical University.
- Graph signal processing. +
- Graph neural networks. +
- Graph representation learning. +
- Point cloud processing. +
- Traffic flow forecasting. +
+Accurate long-term traffic flow forecasting project, SJTU- Huawei 2019.
In this project, we collaborate with Huawei Coop. and helps them with some key problems related to their ongoing Intelligent Transportation System Project. I was an intern in Huawei, Hangzhou from March 2019 to September 2019, working on developing an effective long-term traffic forecasting model. During this project, I proposed a novel paradigm of Spatial Temporal Transformer Networks (STTNs) that can dynamically model long-range spatial-temporal dependencies, lead to more accurate long-term traffic forecasting. For more detail, please refer to Spatial-temporal transformer networks for traffic flow forecasting.
- Excellent Graduate Award of Northwestern Polytechnical University. +
- China National Scholarship. +
- Excellence Scholarship of Northwestern Polytechnical University. +
- Meritorious Winner of Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM &ICM) 2016 Huawei Special Scholarship 2015 First Prize of China Robot Competition 2015 First Prize in Shaanxi’ Division of National Mathematical Contest in Modeling 2015. +
- Reviewer for Signal Processing: TCSVT, TIP, Image Communication, Pattern Recognition, Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, NeurIPS, ICIP, ICASSP. +
- TA for Wavelets and Sparse Signal Processing in 2019. +
- Volunteer for the 9th International Conference on Image and Graphics. +