How to use samples:
use sampleInput.h5 file as an input to your simulation.
run simulation with these parameters N=4096 DT=0.01f STEPS=500 WRITE_INTESITY=20
compare the output of the simulation against sampleOutput.h5 using command h5diff -v2 -p [R] sampleOutput.h5 [simulation_output] /[dataset_name] where R is a relative error (should be approx. in the order of 10^-7) simulation_output is the output of your simulation and dataset_name is the dataset you wish to compare (note leading forward slash)
steps 0 - 2 compare only datasets pos_x_final, pos_y_final, pos_z_final, weight_final, vel_x_final, vel_y_final and vel_z_final. No other dataset is implemented yet.
steps 3.1 - 3.2 you may start compare datasets com_x_final, com_y_final, com_z_final and com_w_final
step 4 compare all datasets