Right now I'm working on Cicada Language, both a programming language and a theorem prover.
Based on cicada, I want to build a wiki of formalized mathematical theories, to flourish the ideas developed in the foundations of mathematics, and serve as a bridge between computer science and mathematics.
Postmark is a framework for building markdown extensions.
Readonly.Link is a document rendering platform.
Since I work as a web developer, learning about all kinds of tools designed for web development is my daily routine.
After encountered Laravel and its amazing community, I start bringing its artisan spirit and beautiful API to my team.
Hence EnchanterJS -- a web (and console) application framework, for TypeScript and NodeJs, emphasis on clarity and well typed API.
While learning Logic programming, I started a project called LogicDB, to embed a Prolog-like logic programming language in JavasScript and TypeScript.
ty can be used to write schema to bring TypeScript's types to runtime.
We can use ty schema to do validation and generate random data of certain type.
Lowdim is about modeling low dimensional (0, 1, 2, 3 maybe 4 dimension) topology and geometry.
cell-complex is about topological and geometric modeling in any dimension.