cb-runner is an experimental Python program to run automated actions via Carbon Black Live Response. The actions are stored in a simple CSV format and can be applied to a single device or list of devices.
- Python 3.x
- A working installation on CBABI (https://cbapi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html) and an understanting of how to configure API Authentication credentials.
Two levels of API access are required for cb-runner. One to read device information and job status updates and the other to connect via Live Response and issue the playbook commands.
Configure a custom cb-runner Access Level and API Key
- Navigate to Settings > API Access > Access Levels and click Add Access Level
- Name: cb-runner
- Description: cbrunner access level
- Apply the following permissions:
- Background tasks > Status > job.status = READ
- Device > General information > device = READ
- Click Save
- Navigate to Settings > API Access > API Keys and click Add API Key
- Name: cb-runner
- Description:
- Access Level Type: Custom
- Custom Access Level: cb-runner
- Click Save
- Add the API credentials to .carbonblack/credentials.psc
- Using cbapi run
cbapi-psc configure
or editcredentials.psc
directly - Name the credential cbrunner
- Tip: for instructions on how to use Python CBAPI follow the getting started guide (https://cbapi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/getting-started.html)
- Using cbapi run
Configure a Live Response API Key
- Navigate to Settings > API Access > API Keys and click Add API Key
- Name: liveresponse
- Description:
- Access Level Type: Live Response
- Click Save
- Add the API credentials to .carbonblack/credentials.psc
- Using cbapi run
cbapi-psc configure
or editcredentials.psc
directly - Name the credential liveresponse
- Tip: for instructions on how to use Python CBAPI follow the getting started guide (https://cbapi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/getting-started.html)
- Using cbapi run
- Copy a action files from playbooks to the cb-runner root directory.
- To run against a single device
python3 cb-runner.py --profile cbrunner -LR liveresponse -D MYDEVICENAME -P actions.csv
- To run against multiple devices
- If running against a list of systems, update devices.csv with a list of Device IDs.
- `python3 cb-runner.py --profile cbrunner -LR liveresponse -F devices.csv -P actions.csv
python3 cbrunner.py --profile simondev -LR liveresponse -h
__________ ____ __ ___ ___ ____________ ______
/ ____/ __ ) / __ \/ / / / | / / | / / ____/ __ \ \ \ \ \
/ / / __ | / /_/ / / / / |/ / |/ / __/ / /_/ / \ \ \ \
/ /___/ /_/ / / _, _/ /_/ / /| / /| / /___/ _, _/ / / / /
\____/_____/ /_/ |_|\____/_/ |_/_/ |_/_____/_/ |_| /_/_/_/
usage: cbrunner.py [-h] [--cburl CBURL] [--apitoken APITOKEN] [--orgkey ORGKEY] [--no-ssl-verify] [--profile PROFILE] [--verbose] [-J JOB] [-LR LRPROFILE] [-D DEVICE]
{} ...
CB Runner
positional arguments:
{} Sensor commands
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--cburl CBURL CB server's URL. e.g.,
--apitoken APITOKEN API Token for Carbon Black server
--orgkey ORGKEY Organization key value for Carbon Black server
--no-ssl-verify Do not verify server SSL certificate.
--profile PROFILE profile to connect
--verbose enable debug logging
-J JOB, --job JOB Name of the job to run.
Live Response profile name configured in your credentials.psc file.
-D DEVICE, --device DEVICE
Search for a device or list of devices to run the playbook against.
-I DEVICE_ID, --device-id DEVICE_ID
Device ID(s) of the system to run the playbook against. Multiple device ids can be provided i CSV style format, e.g '12345678,87654321'. If a device does
not have a status of LIVE, the playbook will not be run against that device.
A list of device names in a CSV file to run the playbook against.
-O OS, --os OS Device OS family to run the playbook against. Valid operating systems are: WINDOWS, MAC, LINUX.
File with playbook action to run in sequential order
[ ] Convert actions.csv to yaml spec [ ] Add path/directory support for --playbook/-p parameter [ ] Update documentation examples