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Janez K edited this page Jul 8, 2015 · 1 revision

Creating a widget - step by step

About the example: REST Web service wrapper

Here, we will wrap an existing piece of code into a ClowdFlows widget step by step. The exemplary piece of code is a call to a REST Web service, but it could be any other similar call. Namely, ClowdFlows enables easy inclusion of WSDL Web services right in the user's interface, but this does not work for the REST ones (yet).

We prepared a simple REST Web service for this example, which calculates a sentiment score of a sentence. It is called like this:

and returns a JSON response of such a kind:


What we are interested in, is the sentimentscore value.

Since ClowdFlows is written in Python, we must wrap a call to this Web service in a piece of Python code. A standalone piece of code for this purpose could look like this:

import urllib2
import json
somesentence = "The good the bad and the ugly"
somesentence = somesentence.replace (" ", "+")
url = '' + somesentence
response = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
jsondata = json.loads(response)
print "Sentiment score is: " +  str( jsondata['data']['sentimentscore'] )

Creating the widget

Step 1 : Enter the attributes

In order to create a widget, we should follow the instructions on creating an abstract widget: In our case, we did the following on the web page where the widget information is to be entered ( ):

  • in the Name category we entered Sentana
  • as Action, we set call_sentana
  • we have left the Wsdl and the Wsdl method empty
  • in Description we gave a short description of the widget and what kind of inputs it expects
  • for Category, we selected Creativity as we want it to be shown under Creativity in the widget menu
  • we left then all the rest of the form empty down to the Package, where we set it to the existing package creativity
  • as a last step here, we defined the inputs and outputs ** there was one input defined with *** text as its Name *** txt as its Short name *** and inp1 as the Variable for that input ** and one output defined with *** sentiment score as its Name *** ses as its Short name *** and out1 as the Variable for that output

We must press the Save button in order to save the information about the widget. We can then leave the web page.

Step 2 : Implement the action

Following the instructions, we create a function named call_sentana (because this name was entered as Action in Step 1). This function has to be added in the file of the widget's package. Since in our case, the widget's package is creativity, we have added it to .../mothra/workflows/creativity/

The action must receive the input_dict and return an output_dict, which are both Python dictionaries. The simplest action function (just copying the input to the output), as shown in the instructions, would be:

def my_package_action(input_dict):
    output_dict = {}
    output_dict['out1'] = input_dict['inp1']
    return output_dict

but we would like it to make the Sentana Web service call (similar as in the example description), so we define it as:

def call_sentana(input_dict):
    import urllib2
    import json
    somesentence = input_dict['inp1']  # our only input is in input_dict['inp1'] , notice the Variable name 'inp1'
    somesentence = somesentence.replace (" ", "+")
    url = '' + somesentence
    response = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
    jsondata = json.loads(response)
    result = jsondata['data']['sentimentscore']
    output_dict = {}
    output_dict['out1'] = result  # result is put in the only output denoted with output_dict['out1']
    return output_dict

In such a function we could instead of a Web service call put a call to something else just as easily.

Step 3 : Exporting your widget to the package data file

When you have added or modified an abstract widget on that admin web page, you made changes only to the local database. You must now also export it to a package data file. In the instructions, the general command given for this is

python export_package $your_package_name$

in our case this is

python export_package $your_package_name$

Step 4 : Check it out and make it available###

The widget should now appear in the widget menu of your locally served ClowdFlows platform. Check it out, make a few test runs, use it and have fun.

When you are ready to make your widget available to others, push it to the ConCreTe ClowdFlows git repository:

  • first make a fresh pull: git pull [email protected]:concrete/mothra.git
  • if you receive anything new, always run: python auto_import_packages (beware: this will run over your locally changed widgets, if you did not export them yet as instructed in Step 3)
  • add the changed files (the and any others) to be committed, e.g.: git add workflows/creativity/
  • commit, e.g.: git commit workflows/creativity/
  • push it from the local repository to the ConCreTe one: git push

That's it.