This repo is update version of original create-universal-app (CUA) with Supabase
Client and Server
Next 13 (pages) - can easily extend to New App Router, Expo 49, Solito 4, TRPC, Prisma, Tamagui
There is also a drizzle branch for those prefering drizzle.
Clone the project
clone the project
Go to the project directory
cd my-project
Install dependencies
yarn install
Make a copy of .env.example and remove .example
Enter your supabase url keys in the .env file
To push DB schema
yarn db-push
Always run web first from root directory, it will start the trpc server.
yarn web
Then you can start native(mobile) from root directory, it will start the metro server. It will first open a development build by default. If you want to use Expo-go press S in the terminal to switch to go build. Then you can use camera to open the app. Loading the expo app will take some time. Sometimes the loading indicator will not start showing 0/1, then stop the server and run again.
yarn native
To start Prisma studio.
yarn studio
To check wether trpc server is working or not add some data in entries table in prisma studio and refresh the page. If you see the data in the list then trpc server is working.