The code snippets from src/main/java/nl/esciencecenter/xenon/tutorial
all be run. For this, you'll need Java Runtime Environment version 11 or later.
Additionally, be aware that some snippets expect certain paths, for example when copying a file.
Individual snippets can be run with the following syntax:
./gradlew run -Pmain=<main class name> [-Ploglevel=<ERROR|WARN|INFO|DEBUG>] [--args='<arguments for main method>']
For example, to run DirectoryListing use:
./gradlew run -Pmain=nl.esciencecenter.xenon.tutorial.DirectoryListing
You may want to use an IDE for running the code snippets. Here's how you an set up a project for use with Eclipse:
./gradlew eclipse
This configures the classpath such that you can use the project dependencies
from within Eclipse. After running the task, you can see to what location the
dependencies were downloaded on your system by opening .classpath
with a
text editor.
If you want to "undo" ./gradlew eclipse
, use
./gradlew cleanEclipse
which will remove files .classpath
, .project
, and .settings