Interaction diagram that shows how Objects use Messages to communicate with one another.
Bike <-- broken? --> true/false
Bike <-- report_broken --> true
Bike <-- fix --> false
DockingStation <-- release_bike --> error(if none available)
DockingStation <-- release_bike --> a Bike(if available)
DockingStation <-- dock(a Bike) --> [a Bike]
DockingStation <-- dock(a faulty Bike) --> [a faulty Bike]
Garage <-- fix_bikes --> a Bike(not broken)
Van <-- load(a Bike) --> a Bike
Van <-- unload --> a Bike(not broken)
BikeContainer <-- capacity --> given capacity (if given)
BikeContainer <-- capacity --> default capacity (if none given)
BikeContainer <-- add_bike(a Bike) --> error (if out of capacity)
BikeContainer <-- add_bike(a Bike) --> [a Bike] (if capacity)
BikeContainer <-- remove_bike --> error(if none available)
BikeContainer <-- remove_bike --> a Bike(if available)
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