XLR code snippets using python and jython API.
import json
server = 'Jenkins'
serverCI = configurationApi.searchByTypeAndTitle("jenkins.Server", str(server))[0]
datamap = '''[
"name": "Jenkins tasks",
"entries": [
"name": "Jenkins1",
"taskType": "jenkins.Build",
"precondition": "None",
"propertyMap": {"username":"test","password":"1234","jobName":"TEST/job/test1"}
"name": "Jenkins2",
"taskType": "jenkins.Build",
"precondition": "None",
"propertyMap": {"username":"test","password":"1234","jobName":"TEST/job/test2"}
"name": "Jenkins3",
"taskType": "jenkins.Build",
"precondition": "None",
"propertyMap": {"username":"test","password":"1234","jobName":"TEST/job/test3"}
"execution": "parallel"
dataobj = json.loads(datamap)
for item in dataobj:
phase = phaseApi.newPhase(item['name'])
phase = phaseApi.addPhase(release.id, phase)
if str(item['execution']) == "parallel":
pgrouptask = taskApi.newTask("xlrelease.ParallelGroup")
pgrouptask.title = "Jenkins parrallel tasks"
phase = taskApi.addTask(phase.id, pgrouptask)
for entry in item['entries']:
task = taskApi.newTask(entry['taskType'])
task.pythonScript.setProperty("jenkinsServer", serverCI)
properties = entry['propertyMap']
for property in properties:
taskApi.addTask(phase.id, task)
There are third party python libraries that often refer to a certificate using certifi for connecting to secured URLs. If the cert is self-signed, you might need to make it available to the python lib.
- put the cert in a cert.pem file or append it to a cacerts.pem file
- Store the file in a referenable location from XL Server
- Create an environment variable inside run.sh/run.cmd referring to cert path.
eg.export REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE=$XLD_HOME/certs/cert.pem.
- Restart the server.
from com.xebialabs.deployit.plugin.api.reflect import Type
from com.xebialabs.deployit.plugin.api.reflect.DescriptorRegistry import getDescriptorRegistry
taskDesc = Type.valueOf("xlrelease.Task")
registry = getDescriptorRegistry(taskDesc.getTypeSource())
descriptors = registry.getDescriptors()
tasks = [d.getType() for d in descriptors if d.isVirtual() == False and (d.isAssignableTo(Type.valueOf("xlrelease.Task")) or d.isAssignableTo(Type.valueOf("xlrelease.PythonScript")))]
print("tasks: %s\n" % tasks)
In release-server.conf, provide this
On restart of the server, this is encrypted (and will be something like
from com.xebialabs.xlrelease.config import XlrConfig
#To retrieve the decrypted password:
myTemp = XlrConfig.getInstance().getRootConfig()
print myTemp.getString("my.password")
Download the library code https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/d2/e8/0bd80cc9e1422f5449d663479459c3c032ff7acaf6609a63324d23bde9ac/GitPython-3.0.5.tar.gz
untar/unzip and take out the actual module folder from it. In the above case, its the git folder.
Now go under
folder -
Create a new folder called
( case sensitive ) -
Copy the git module folder under Lib. Will look like this
Find the jython standalone jar name by doing a file search
ls jython*
. -
Now run this command to update the jython jar with the contents of the Lib folder
jar -uvf jython-standalone-2.7.1.patch2618.jar Lib
if would give an output like this while it adds the git python module
adding: Lib/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%) adding: Lib/git/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%) adding: Lib/git/db.py(in = 1963) (out= 802)(deflated 59%) adding: Lib/git/cmd.py(in = 42869) (out= 12482)(deflated 70%) adding: Lib/git/config.py(in = 28415) (out= 8096)(deflated 71%) adding: Lib/git/compat.py(in = 9436) (out= 3080)(deflated 67%) adding: Lib/git/test/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%) adding: Lib/git/test/test_stats.py(in = 971) (out= 412)(deflated 57%)
- Restart XLR and you should be able to use git module in jython script task.
The same can be done with XLD and then using it in plugins.
Important: If you want to use a python library under a custom plugin script inside XLRelease, instead of copying to lib/Lib and bundling up, you can bundle up the module inside the plugin jar at the root level. If you are working under ext folder, then you may keep the module under there while using it in the custom scripts backing the custom tasks. Disclaimer : Another important thing to keep in mind is that on upgrades, you will have to manually update the jython library in that version with these modules.
from com.xebialabs.xlrelease.domain.environments import EnvironmentStage, Environment
from com.xebialabs.xlrelease.api.v1.filter import EnvironmentStageFilters
# Create a new stage and create it
stage = EnvironmentStage()
# Create a new filter to find the stage we just created with its real ID
filter = EnvironmentStageFilters("MyStage")
stageList = environmentStageApi.search(filter)
if stageList:
# Set the stage in the enviroment and create it
envir = Environment()
# The variable servicenow_instance can be presented to the user as a listbox choice type during the start of release
# Then using a bootstrap jython task in the start of the release, User's selection can be dynamically applied to all service
# now tasks so they all point to the chosen server endpoing
servicenow_servers = configurationApi.searchByTypeAndTitle("servicenow.Server", releaseVariables['servicenow_instance'])
for p in release.phases:
for t in p.tasks:
if str(t.getTaskType()).split('.')[0] == 'servicenow':
temp_task = taskApi.getTask(t.id)
taskApi.updateTask(temp_task.id, temp_task)
from com.xebialabs.xlrelease.domain.group import ReleaseGroup
from com.xebialabs.xlrelease.api.v1.forms import ReleaseGroupFilters
from com.xebialabs.xlrelease.api.v1.forms import ReleaseGroupOrderMode
from com.xebialabs.xlrelease.domain.group import ReleaseGroupStatus
rgfilter = ReleaseGroupFilters()
rgfilter.statuses = [ ReleaseGroupStatus.FAILED, ReleaseGroupStatus.IN_PROGRESS, ReleaseGroupStatus.PAUSED,ReleaseGroupStatus.FAILING ]
rg = releaseGroupApi.resource.searchGroups(rgfilter, 0, 10, ReleaseGroupOrderMode.RISK)
from com.xebialabs.xlrelease.domain.group import ReleaseGroup
from com.xebialabs.xlrelease.api.v1.forms import ReleaseGroupFilters
from com.xebialabs.xlrelease.api.v1.forms import ReleaseGroupOrderMode
from com.xebialabs.xlrelease.domain.group import ReleaseGroupStatus
from java.util import Calendar, Date
cal = Calendar.getInstance()
r = ReleaseGroup()
r.title = "myReleaseGroup"
r.folderId = "Applications/FolderSamplesAndTutorials"
r.startDate = cal.getTime()
cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, 7)
r.endDate = cal.getTime()
import com.xebialabs.xlrelease.api.v1.filter.ApplicationFilters as ApplicationFilters
def get_app_id_from_name(applicationName):
Given a string representing the name of an XL Release Application return the
corresponding applicationId
:param str applicationName - Name of the XLRelease application
In all unhappy cases it will return an empty string -
TODO: something better
if applicationName:
appList = applicationApi.search(ApplicationFilters(applicationName, None))
if appList:
return appList[-1].id
return ""
return ""
# For the task in question (myTask in this example)
if myTask.facets:
#TODO: Loop through facets to find Deployment one!
appId = get_app_id_from_name(component)
if appId:
myTask.facets[0].applicationId = appId
myTask.facets[0].version = version
Warning - uses currently undocumented and non-public Api (FacetsApi)
import com.xebialabs.xlrelease.api.v1.filter.ApplicationFilters as ApplicationFilters
import com.xebialabs.xlrelease.api.v1.filter.EnvironmentFilters as EnvironmentFilters
def get_app_id_from_name(applicationName):
if applicationName:
appList = applicationApi.search(ApplicationFilters(applicationName, None))
if appList:
return appList[-1].id
return ""
return ""
def get_env_id_from_name(envName, stage):
if envName:
envList = environmentApi.search(EnvironmentFilters(envName, stage, None))
if envList:
return envList[-1].id
return ""
return ""
containerId = getCurrentTask().container.id
taskToAdd = taskApi.newTask("xlrelease.ScriptTask")
taskToAdd.title = "ScriptCreated"
taskToAdd.script = "import time \ntime.sleep(5)"
appId = get_app_id_from_name("Wish List")
if appId:
deployFacet = facetApi.newFacet("udm.DeploymentTaskFacet")
deployFacet.applicationId = appId
deployFacet.version = "1.0.0"
deployFacet.environmentId = get_env_id_from_name("DEV", "Development")
deployFacet.targetId = taskToAdd.id
print deployFacet.toString()
taskfacets = list()
createdTask=taskApi.addTask(containerId, taskToAdd)
from com.xebialabs.xlrelease.domain.recover import TaskRecoverOp
raise Exception("Jenkins job was not built.")
#use the 'component' and 'version' release varible as title
title = "{component}/{version}".format(**releaseVariables)
release.title = title
def previousTask(task):
index = 0
for item in phase.tasks:
if item.id == task.id:
index = index + 1
return task.getPhase().tasks[index-1]
print task.title
print "previous task is: " + str(previousTask(task).title)
def gatesBeforeTask(task):
gatesList = []
for item in phase.tasks:
if str(item.getTaskType()) == "xlrelease.GateTask":
if item.id == task.id:
return gatesList
print "start gates " + str(phase.getStartGates())
for item in gatesBeforeTask(task):
print item.title
current_phase = getCurrentPhase()
task = taskApi.newTask("xlrelease.GateTask")
task.title = "My Gate Task"
taskApi.addTask(current_phase.id, task)
blocking_release = "<Name of your Release>"
blocking_phase = "<Name of your Phase>"
blocking_task_name = "<Name of your task>"
dependent_release = releaseApi.searchReleasesByTitle(blocking_release)[0]
blocking_task = taskApi.searchTasksByTitle(blocking_task_name, blocking_phase, dependent_release.id)[0]
taskApi.addDependency(task.id, blocking_task.id)
def findTaskByTitle(title):
list = []
for item in phase.tasks:
if item.title == title:
return list
# Sample call: python gateupdate.py Release546450 UAT 'Gate 2' 'Gate 2 condition 1' 'true'
import requests
import sys
releaseId = sys.argv[1]
phaseTitle = sys.argv[2]
gateTitle = sys.argv[3]
conditionTitle = sys.argv[4]
conditionChecked = sys.argv[5]
release = requests.get('http://admin:xlradmin@localhost:5516/releases/' + releaseId)
for phase in release.json()['phases']:
if phase['title'] == phaseTitle:
for task in phase['tasks']:
if task['title'] == gateTitle:
for condition in task['conditions']:
if condition['title'] == conditionTitle:
condition['checked'] = conditionChecked
r = requests.put('http://admin:xlradmin@localhost:5516/gates/conditions/' + condition['id'], json=condition)
print r.status_code
rvar = releaseApi.getVariables(releaseidvar)
for r in rvar:
print "key:%s , value:%s \n" % (r._delegate.key,r._delegate.value)
myRelease = getCurrentRelease()
for r in myRelease.variables:
print "key:%s , value:%s \n" % (r.key, r.value)
t = taskApi.searchTasksByTitle("buildjar","Build",release.id)[0]
jenkinslist = configurationApi.searchByTypeAndTitle("jenkins.Server",releaseVariables['jenkinsserver'])
t.pythonScript.jenkinsServer = jenkinslist[0]
t = taskApi.searchTasksByTitle("buildjar","Build",release.id)
jenkinsUrl = t[0].pythonScript.jenkinsServer.url
releaseVariables['jarurl'] = "%s/job/buildjar/%s/artifact/abc.jar" % (jenkinsUrl, releaseVariables['buildjarbn'])
a = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
out= "|Heading \n |---\n"
for item in a:
out= "{0}|{1}\n".format(out,item)
task.description = out
from java.lang import ClassLoader
cl = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()
paths = map(lambda url: url.getFile(), cl.getURLs())
print paths
from com.xebialabs.xlrelease.domain.folder import Folder
newFolder = Folder()
templates = folderApi.getTemplates("Applications")
# Pick the first template
template = templates[0]
# Give it a new title
template.title = "new template"
import json
teamProjectName = "MyProject"
buildDefinitionName = "mybuildDef"
datamap = '''[
"name": "libs",
"entries": [
"name": "a-library",
"skip": "false"
"name": "b-library",
"skip": "false"
"name": "c-library",
"skip": "true"
"execution": "sequence"
"name": "messages",
"entries": [
"name": "a-messages",
"skip": "false"
"name": "b-messages",
"skip": "true"
"name": "c-messages",
"skip": "false"
"execution": "parallel"
"name": "services",
"entries": [
"name": "a-service",
"skip": "false"
"name": "b-service",
"skip": "false"
"execution": "parallel"
dataobj = json.loads(datamap)
for item in dataobj:
phase = phaseApi.newPhase(item['name'])
phase = phaseApi.addPhase(release.id, phase)
if str(item['execution']) == "parallel":
pgrouptask = taskApi.newTask("xlrelease.ParallelGroup")
pgrouptask.title = "Parallel Run"
phase = taskApi.addTask(phase.id, pgrouptask)
for entry in item['entries']:
task = taskApi.newTask("vsts.QueueBuild")
task.title = entry['name']
task.pythonScript.setProperty("teamProjectName", teamProjectName)
task.pythonScript.setProperty("buildDefinitionName", buildDefinitionName)
if entry['skip'] == "true":
task.precondition = "True == False"
taskApi.addTask(phase.id, task)
Use a template deployment task of any type to generate multiple copies based on a map of component:versions
- Create a template with this script task
- Add a sequential/Parallel Group
- In group add your template deployment task with same name as templateTask varable below - (currently ScriptTask or any CustomScriptTask (e.g. jenkins) types
- Add precondition to your template task so it is always skipped (e.g.
result = False
) - Add attributes if you want - component and version will be added to the Application (must exsist) and Version fields
- Remember to set run as user properties
import com.xebialabs.xlrelease.api.v1.filter.ApplicationFilters as ApplicationFilters
componentVersions={'Wish List':'2.0.1','Address Book':'2.1.3','Shopping Cart':'2.0.0'}
templateTask = "Deploy Me Lots"
# Get the template task - limitation here is if phases are named the same
taskToCopy = taskApi.searchTasksByTitle(templateTask, getCurrentPhase().title, getCurrentRelease().id)[-1]
#print taskToCopy.getType()
def get_app_id_from_name(applicationName):
Given a string representing the name of an XL Release Application return the
corresponding applicationId
:param str applicationName - Name of the XLRelease application
In all unhappy cases it will return an empty string -
TODO: something better
if applicationName:
appList = applicationApi.search(ApplicationFilters(applicationName, None))
if appList:
return appList[-1].id
return ""
return ""
def multi_replace(string, replacements, ignore_case=False):
Given a string and a dict, replaces occurrences of the dict keys found in the
string, with their corresponding values. The replacements will occur in "one pass",
i.e. there should be no clashes.
:param str string: string to perform replacements on
:param dict replacements: replacement dictionary {str_to_find: str_to_replace_with}
:param bool ignore_case: whether to ignore case when looking for matches
:rtype: str the replaced string
if ignore_case:
replacements = dict((pair[0].lower(), pair[1]) for pair in sorted(replacements.iteritems()))
rep_sorted = sorted(replacements, key=lambda s: (len(s), s), reverse=True)
rep_escaped = [re.escape(replacement) for replacement in rep_sorted]
pattern = re.compile("|".join(rep_escaped), re.I if ignore_case else 0)
return pattern.sub(lambda match: replacements[match.group(0).lower() if ignore_case else match.group(0)], string)
# For all the entries in the component version map
for component,version in componentVersions.iteritems():
# Define replacements for this iteration
replacements = {'{{component}}':component,'{{version}}':version}
if "xlrelease.ScriptTask" in str(taskToCopy.getType()):
taskToCopy.script = multi_replace(taskToCopy.script,replacements)
elif "xlrelease.CustomScriptTask" in str(taskToCopy.getType()):
for property in taskToCopy.pythonScript.getInputProperties():
propertyName = str(property).split('.')[-1]
propertyValue = taskToCopy.pythonScript.getProperty(propertyName)
if type(propertyValue) is unicode:
print "Replacing property`%s` it was [`%s`] \n" % (propertyName,propertyValue)
taskToCopy.pythonScript.setProperty(propertyName,multi_replace(propertyValue, replacements))
#TODO: Investigate other task types
print "Unsupported task to copy"
taskToCopy.title = "Deploying %s at version %s" % (component, version)
taskToCopy.precondition = ""
if taskToCopy.facets:
#TODO: Loop through facets to find Deployment one!
appId = get_app_id_from_name(component)
if appId:
taskToCopy.facets[0].applicationId = appId
taskToCopy.facets[0].version = version
taskToCopy.precondition="print 'No valid AppName for attributes'\nexit(1)"
createdTask = taskApi.addTask(taskToCopy.container.id, taskToCopy)
Add a Custom task (MyCustomTask.TestMapOutPut) in curent running Release and set a Key-Value (dicoPackageMap) in output property (MapOut)
curRelease = getCurrentRelease()
curPhase = getCurrentPhase().title
task = taskApi.newTask("MyCustomTask.TestMapOutPut")
task.title = "ScriptCreated"
task.variableMapping = {"pythonScript.MapOut" : "$""{dicoPackageMap}"}
createdTask=taskApi.addTask(getCurrentPhase().id, task)
from java.util import Calendar, Date
cal = Calendar.getInstance()
cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, 7)
print cal.getTime()
t = getTasksByTitle("t1", "New Phase")[0]
newtask = taskApi.copyTask(t.id, phase.id, len(phase.getTasks()))
from java.util import Calendar, Date
cal = Calendar.getInstance()
cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, 2)
# getting a task that is ahead of current task in the flow
t = getTasksByTitle("t1", "New Phase")[0]
This example makes use of a Sequential Group. You can have any number of tasks within the sequential group but the last task should be a Jython Script/Custom Task with the following Script. The script will replicate its parent Sequential Group and then reschedule the newly cloned group for a certain datetime
parenttask = getCurrentTask().container
# find the sequential group child
sequentialGroupId = None
activetask = None
# Iterating on the children to find SequentialGroup ID and the last active manual task ID
for child in parenttask.getChildren():
if str(child.type).lower() == "xlrelease.SequentialGroup".lower():
sequentialGroupId = child.id
if str(child.type).lower() == "xlrelease.Task".lower() and str(child.status).lower() == "IN_PROGRESS".lower():
activetask = child.id
# Setting up a notification task
notfication = taskApi.newTask("xlrelease.NotificationTask")
notfication.subject = "Sending Notification at %s" % datetime.today()
notfication.addresses = Set(["[email protected]", "[email protected]"])
notfication.body = "hi Hello"
taskApi.addTask(sequentialGroupId, notfication)
# Setting up a manual task
manualtask = taskApi.newTask("xlrelease.Task")
manualtask.title = "Waiting for Activity on %s" % ( datetime.today() + timedelta(days=1) )
taskApi.addTask(sequentialGroupId, manualtask)
# assigning it to the admin user to mark it complete in the next step
This example makes use of a Sequential Group. You can have any number of tasks within the sequential group but the last task should be a Jython Script/Custom Task with the following Script. The script will replicate its parent Sequential Group and then reschedule the newly cloned group for a certain datetime
The script task sets a variable repeatTask as boolean with default True. This will keep on rescheduling the sequential group as long as the value is True. To stop repeating, either programatically or manually set the repeatTask variable to false.
from java.util import Calendar, Date
import time
# Get the parent block for current script task
parenttask = getCurrentTask().container
# Use calendar to increment the time
cal = Calendar.getInstance()
cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, 2)
# Create a new task from that parenttask as the next task
newtask = taskApi.copyTask(parenttask.id, phase.id, len(phase.getTasks()))
# Set the newtask to the new time and title
newtask.title = parenttask.title
newtask.precondition = "releaseVariables[\"repeatTask\"] == True"
# Update the new task
releaseVariables["repeatTask"] = True
There are different interpreted types for different type of variables within the api. Usual way of knowing the right name is eg. If variable type is StringVariable, then xlr type is xlrelease.StringVariable
Some variable types are
- StringVariable
- ListStringVariable
- MapStringStringVariable
- PasswordStringVariable
- SetStringVariable
from com.xebialabs.xlrelease.api.v1.forms import Variable
mylist = [1,2,3,4]
listvar = Variable()
listvar.value = mylist
listvar.key = "mylistvar"
listvar.type = "xlrelease.ListStringVariable"
releaseApi.createVariable(release.id,listvar )
These are slightly different, the variable itself can be a StringVariable type but the options are provided using a provider. This is not really documented but the following code snippet works for this use-case
from com.xebialabs.xlrelease.api.v1.forms import Variable
from com.xebialabs.xlrelease.domain.variables import ListOfStringValueProviderConfiguration
mylist = ["1","2","3","4"]
listvar = Variable()
listvar.value = "1"
listvar.key = "mylistvar"
listvar.type = "xlrelease.StringVariable"
provider1 = ListOfStringValueProviderConfiguration()
provider1.id = "myvariableProvider"
provider1.values = mylist
listvar.valueProvider = provider1
releaseApi.createVariable(release.id,listvar )
c = CreateRelease()
c.setReleaseTitle('Test Release')
# Create a new release using template ID
r = templateApi.create('Releaseedf803f0dfc145189d8d38714679e075', c)
# Providing new owner
r.owner = 'tester1'
releasetitle = "test1"
varkey = "local_ip"
releases = releaseApi.searchReleasesByTitle(releasetitle)
releaseidvar = releases[0].id
rvar = releaseApi.getVariables(releaseidvar)
vartoupdate = [ item for item in rvar if item.key == varkey ] [0]
vartoupdate.value = "newvalue"
out = "|Phase|Task|Status|\n|---|---|---|\n"
for ph in release.phases:
if str(ph.status) != "PLANNED":
for tsk in phase.tasks:
out= "{0}|{1}|{2}|{3}\n".format(out,ph.title,tsk.title,tsk.status)
releaseVariables["emailcontent"] = out
out="|Ticket ID|Description|\n|---|---|\n"
for key, value in releaseVariables["issueList"].iteritems():
out= "{0}|{1}|{2}\n".format(out,key,value)
releaseVariables["printedTable"] = out
ie, how to find task position and add a new one just after it
-- synthetic.xml
<type type="dev.addManualAfter" extends="xlrelease.PythonScript">
<property name="scriptLocation" default="dev/addManualAfter.py" hidden="true" />
<property name="taskColor" hidden="true" default="#009CDB"/>
-- dev/addManualAfter.py
def addManual(createTaskName):
a = getMyPositionAndContainer(getCurrentTask(),getCurrentPhase())
mytaskPos = a[0]
mycontainer = a[1]
taskFound = a[2]
if taskFound:
task = taskApi.newTask("xlrelease.Task")
task.title = str(createTaskName)
raise Exception("**Exception: Task [{0}] not found in [{1}]**".format(getCurrentTask().title,getCurrentPhase().title))
def getMyPositionAndContainer(mytask,mycontainer):
isfound = False
i = 0
for item in mycontainer.tasks:
#print "[%s/%s]" %(str(item.type),item.title)
if str(item.type) == "xlrelease.SequentialGroup":
res = getMyPositionAndContainer(mytask,item)
i = res[0]
mycontainer = res[1]
isfound = res[2]
if item.id == mytask.id:
isfound = True
if isfound == True:
i = i + 1
return [i,mycontainer,isfound]
import json
teamProjectName = "MyProject"
buildDefinitionName = "mybuildDef"
datamap = '''[
"name": "libs",
"entries": [
"name": "a-library",
"skip": "false"
"name": "b-library",
"skip": "false"
"name": "c-library",
"skip": "true"
"execution": "sequence"
"name": "messages",
"entries": [
"name": "a-messages",
"skip": "false"
"name": "b-messages",
"skip": "true"
"name": "c-messages",
"skip": "false"
"execution": "parallel"
"name": "services",
"entries": [
"name": "a-service",
"skip": "false"
"name": "b-service",
"skip": "false"
"execution": "parallel"
dataobj = json.loads(datamap)
for item in dataobj:
phase = phaseApi.newPhase(item['name'])
phase = phaseApi.addPhase(release.id, phase)
if str(item['execution']) == "parallel":
pgrouptask = taskApi.newTask("xlrelease.ParallelGroup")
pgrouptask.title = "Parallel Run"
phase = taskApi.addTask(phase.id, pgrouptask)
for entry in item['entries']:
task = taskApi.newTask("xldeploy.Deploy")
task.title = entry['name']
task.pythonScript.setProperty("deploymentEnvironment", entry['name'])
task.pythonScript.setProperty("deploymentPackage", "app-%s" % entry['name'])
if entry['skip'] == "true":
task.precondition = "True == False"
taskApi.addTask(phase.id, task)
for t in phase.tasks:
if str(t.getTaskType()).split('.')[1] == 'CreateReleaseTask':
for template_var in t.templateVariables:
if template_var.key == 'dpackage':
template_var.value = 'oclc'
taskApi.updateTask(t.id, t)
Dynamically create Create Release Tasks in a release (in a parallel block) and dynamically set a related subrelease template variable
from com.xebialabs.xlrelease.domain.variables import StringVariable
subreleasesTaskGroup = taskApi.searchTasksByTitle("Subreleases", getCurrentPhase().title, getCurrentRelease().id)[0]
for subrelease in releaseVariables["jiraIssues"]:
taskToAdd = taskApi.newTask("xlrelease.CreateReleaseTask")
taskToAdd.newReleaseTitle = "Subrelease {}".format(subrelease)
taskToAdd.templateId = templateApi.getTemplates('Billing Portal Core')[0].id
taskToAdd.folderId = folderApi.find('Billing Portal App/Sandbox', 2).id
jiraissue = StringVariable()
taskToAdd.templateVariables = [jiraissue]
taskApi.addTask(subreleasesTaskGroup.id, taskToAdd)
(code valid for un custom task with a "TaskType" string property)
from com.xebialabs.deployit.plugin.api.reflect import Type
from com.xebialabs.deployit.plugin.api.reflect.DescriptorRegistry import getDescriptorRegistry
taskDesc = Type.valueOf("xlrelease.Task")
registry = getDescriptorRegistry(taskDesc.getTypeSource())
descriptors = registry.getDescriptors()
tasks = [d.getType() for d in descriptors if d.isVirtual() == False and (d.isAssignableTo(Type.valueOf("xlrelease.Task")) or d.isAssignableTo(Type.valueOf("xlrelease.PythonScript")))]
print("tasks: %s\n" % tasks)
#Returns the list of planned or active releases that are visible to the current user
print "**Running or planned visible releases - Task type [%s]**"%(TaskType)
while len(allRunningReleases) > 0:
for r in allRunningReleases:
for p in r.phases:
for t in p.tasks:
if str(t.getTaskType()) == TaskType:
if cnt>0:
print ("%s : %s")%(r.url,cnt)
#Returns the list of templates that are visible to the current user.
print ""
print "**Visible templates - Task type [%s]**"%(TaskType)
while len(allTemplates) > 0:
for r in allTemplates:
for p in r.phases:
for t in p.tasks:
if str(t.getTaskType()) == TaskType:
if cnt>0:
print ("%s : %s")%(r.url,cnt)
def getFolderPathById(folderid):
res = [i for i in range(len(target)) if target.startswith("/", i)]
for p in res:
if target[0:p] != "Applications":
folderPath = "%s%s/"%(folderPath,folderApi.getFolder(target[0:p]).title)
return folderPath + foldername