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CI - Setup environment, build & add autogenerated files (migrations, SQL & schema image) Release to PyPI


This repository contains the django models used to generate the XCDB schema.

To do:

  • automate migration on push to main
  • automate sql on push to main
  • automate commit to xchem branch on ispyb for sql
  • automate PR to xchem branch on ispyb for sql

Getting started

This repository contains everything you should need to develop new models for XChemDB.

You can develop locally by making use of the containerisation handled in the docker-compose files here. There are two files: (a)docker-compose.yml and (b)

File (a) will create a version of all of the code within the container, which will not dynamically change as the directory changes on your local machine. This file is most useful for automated builds. File (b) will mount the local copy of the repository directly into the container, and so is best for development in real-time (locally). This is achieved by the inclusion of a volume mount:

      - .:/xcdb

The docker-compose action will set up two containers that interact with each other. The first container pulls an official mariaDB image from dockerhub and runs it under the name db. The second xcdb container depends on the db container, and contains all of the django code needed to setup the database, and make changes to it.

To build the containers from docker-compose.yml:

docker-compose up

To build the containers from

docker-compose -f up

If the build was successful, you should see the django landing page at http://localhost:8000.

During the setup of the db container, the init.sql file is used to pre-populate the database with the tables that are expected to exist already (based on the migrations in xchem_db). This is acheived by the following lines in the docker-compose file:

command: ['--character-set-server=utf8', '--collation-server=utf8_general_ci', '--init-file=/data/application/init.sql']
      - .init.sql:/data/application/init.sql

After the db (database) container has been set up and run, the xcdb (django) container does the following:

  1. Check to see if there are any new models that need to be added to the database and makes the appropriate django migration files
  2. Applies the migrations to the database (adding/changing tables)
  3. Creates a new schema image
  4. generates a file under sql containing the sql statements needed to create new tables (mimic of migrations files)
  5. Updates the init.sql file for next time the server is run

This is controlled by:

command: >
      /bin/bash -c "python3.6 makemigrations &&
      python3.6 migrate &&
      python3.6 makemigrations xchem_db &&
      python3.6 migrate xchem_db &&
      python3.6 graph_models -a -o schema.png &&
      python3.6 &&
      python3.6 &&
      python3.6 runserver"

Useful commands

  • To stop the containers, use ctrl+C
  • To remove the images use docker-compose rm
  • To rebuild the web image use docker-compose build .
  • To specify which docker-compose file to use in any command use the -f flag
  • To get into the container use docker run -it xcdb /bin/bash
  • To run a command in the web container docker-compose run web <command>

Instructions for deploying changes


The docker-compose file can be used to create the necessary files to update the database. The files needed by Diamond are found in the sql/ directory.

Once you have updated the models in xchem_db/, you can generate the necessary files by running docker-compose up from within the local version of your repository.

This will ensure that your new models can be added to the database by running the necessary django code.